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About Drithli

  • Birthday 01/03/1957

Drithli's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm not seeing any lists of activity since 2016. This was the only forum that displays properly on my smartphone.
  2. This just happened to be the only forum that ran on software modern enough to properly render on a smartphone, Android or otherwise. My aim I to learn the history, culture, as well as the language. I will probably be relocating my business to Ireland and having be raised with manners, the original political correctness, it seemed respectful to think and speak gaelic as fluently as possible. I've a couple of works in prose that I would help either translating of guidence to a native with depth of knowledge in Old and Middle Irish etymological influence on contemporary expression in different dialects. As a small child visiting family in Bermuda we met a family from Western Ireland, when I heard them speak among themselves I broke into tears. Later with my mother I explain the sound was like singing, like nothing I'd ever heard before. I've never liked being different so kept that mark of strangeness to myself, but never really been free of it either. Hope to find friends too. Peace, Drithlí
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