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  • Currently studying
  • Native tongue
  • Fluent in
    Spanish, French, English

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I'm trying to learn Portuguese. I love how it sounds. But my real reason is I want to be able to watch Brazilian movies without subtitles and to be able to enjoy them and their language.
  2. My mother tongue is Spanish, but I learned French when I was 12. Sometimes I think (and dream) in French, other times in Spanish. I would even say that sometimes, I find myself thinking in English, which is always weird to me, haha. I combine the 3 of them most of the time, without realizing, I guess.
  3. Speaking, because it's in real time. You can take your time when you read (you can read over and over), and when you write (you can check what you're writing and re-write it as you go) but when you speak, you got one chance, one opportunity (like the great poem Eminem said... yeah, I'll go now. Sorry). :shy:
  4. “They had nothing in common but the English language.” ― E.M. Forster, Howards End Hehe, I guess it applies to this forum, in a way. But really, I think this quote shows how language is essential in relationships (maybe even in love). Right? :ninja:
  5. Hey Roman, Basque is completely different from Spanish. I do not know if it is harder to learn, but it sounds completely different. Check this out (quick research) : All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood. Iberiar Penintsulan bizirik dirauen erromatarren aurreko hizkuntza bakarra da euskara. Gutxitze prozesu gogorra jasan du, etenik gabe lurraldeak eta hiztunak galduz. Nafarroa Garaian bereziki, prozesu hori nabarmena da. XIX. mendearen bukaeran eta XX. mendearen hasieran, hainbat intelektual eta politikariren eraginez (Arturo Kanpion, Sabino Arana...) nolabait biziberritu zen, abertzaletasunari estuki loturik. Frankismoan (1936-1977) jazarpen latza pairatu ondoren, XX. mendearen erdialdetik aurrera hasi da indartzen, idatzizko estandarizazioari dagokionean, batez ere. Does that even look close to Spanish? Really not, eh? You'd be starting from the top, really.
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