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Everything posted by IssamH

  1. Thank you all for your suggestions! Yeah, I find repetition useful too. Whenever I want to remember something I just naturally keep repeating it, but sometimes it just doesn't work. No matter how many times I've repeated a word, I just keep forgetting it, that's why I was wondering if there is something else I can do to help.
  2. Yeah, looking at it now, it does sound creppy, I don't know what I was thinking but I'm sure some creppy people will find it useful
  3. Well, it is definitely a plus to be able to speak different languages. Being able to speak other peoples language and having an experience of their culture is definitely a great thing. I think learning a new language opens new doors for you. I'm honestly so jealous of people who can speak many different languages, I only hope that I'll be able to master two languages, I think that would make me happy. So I think (for me) the best part would be to succeed in learning the language and speaking it fluently while watching the smile on the native speaker's face.
  4. Hi, As the title says, is there any techniques to help me memorize more words? I don't have a great memory, so memorizing the vocabulary of a language is always so difficult for me. I've read about a few memory techniques, such as mnemonics and acronym. Can these techniques be applied to language learning? If yes, are they effective?
  5. Thank you for your response, Joan. Yeah, Rosetta Stone is a bit expensive, but is it as good as it claims to be? Can I gain fluency using it? or does it just teach the basic stuff? I want to make sure first, I can't pay that amount of money if all I'm going to learn are the basics. Have you ever tried any of the above tools? Fluenz uses the same concept, and it is a lot cheaper. But I'm not sure if it is better than Rosetta, or worse.
  6. General (continued) 1. See you soon. أراك قريباً 2. It’s nice to see you again. سررت للقائك مجدداً 3. What seems to be the problem? ما المشكلة؟ 4. What is the solution? ما الحل؟ Or ما هو الحل؟ 5. I beg your pardon? أستميحك عذراً؟ Or just say عذراً؟ 6. How are you feeling today? I’ve heard that you were sick yesterday. كيف حالك اليوم؟ لقد سمعت أنك كنت مريض البارحة. Or كيف تشعر اليوم؟ لقد سمعت أنك كنت مريض يوم أمس. 7. Excuse me, but I don’t think you belong here. معذرة، لكن لا أظن أن مكانك هنا. 8. Could you say that again slowly? هل بإمكانك تكرار ذالك مجدداً ببطئ؟ 9. How dare you say that?! !كيف تجرؤ على قول ذالك؟ 10. I am sorry, but I was not talking to you. أعتذر، لكن أنا لم أكن أتحدث اليك.
  7. You should try "Breakthrough Rapid Reading" by Peter Kump. This is one of the best books when it comes to the subject of speed reading. It covers a lot of great techniques that will help you improve your reading speed. With that being said, it all comes down to practice! You have to practice whatever you've learned. Or you'll never succeed.
  8. Thank you for your responses, guys. I really appreciate it. I'm Moroccan, so I'm used to hearing French a lot. While I agree about the Grammar, the pronunciation is not a huge problem for me, I can pronounce many words almost perfectly. it is the grammar and memorizing the vocabulary that's giving me trouble. I think I'll just stick with French for the moment, it is the most important, if I want to get a job around here. Thanks again!
  9. Hi, Right now I'm studying French, but I love Spanish too. The thing is, I think it will take me a long time to master French, and I'm afraid that it will be too late to start learning Spanish. I keep hearing that Spanish is very easy, but it seems very difficult to me. Plus, I don't think it will be a good idea to start learning two languages at the same time. Do you? I need your advice. Should I learn both languages at the same time? or should I just keep learning French, and save Spanish for later? Thanks, Issam
  10. General 1. Where are you from? من أين انت؟ or من أي بلد أنت؟ 2. Who are you? من أنت؟ 3. I don't think you know me, but I do know you very well. لا أعتقد أنك تعرفني، لكن أنا أعرفك جيداً 4. Do you like music? هل تحب الموسيقى؟ 5. Do you like movies? هل تحب الأفلام؟ 6. Do you like to read books? هل تحب أن تقرأ الكتب؟ or هل تحب قراءة الكتب؟ 7. Do you speak English? هل تتحدث باللغة الإنجليزية؟ or هل تجيد اللغة الإنجليزية؟ or هل تجيد التحدث باللغة الإنجليزية؟ 8. I'm sorry, but I do not speak your language. أنا آسف، لكنني لا أتحدث بلغتك or أعتذر، لكني لا اتحدث بلغتك or أعتذر، لكنني لا أجيد التحدث بلغتك 9. Can you speak another language? هل يمكنك التحدث بلغة أخرى؟ 10. What other languages can you speak? ما هي اللغات الأخرى التي تستطيع التحدث بها؟
  11. Hi, These are some basic Arabic sentences/phrases and how to write and say them. Please feel free to request a sentence (or 100!) that is not presented here, and I’ll be more than happy to translate it for you. I’ll also be adding more sentences and phrases regularly. Greetings .1 Hello, how are you doing? مرحباً، كيف حالك؟ Different ways to say مرحباً (Hello, Hi): اهلاً اهلاً وسهلاً How to respond? .أنا بخير، شكراً لك I’m fine, Thank you. 2. Good morning, Did you sleep well? صباح الخير، هل نمت جيداً؟ 3. Good evening. مساء الخير. 4. Happy new year! سنة سعيدة Different way to say سنة (Year): عام 5. Goodbye / Bye. إلى اللقاء 6. See you later. أراك لاحقاً Different ways to say لاحقاً (Later): فيما بعد 7. Get well soon. أتمنى لك الشفاء العاجل 8. It's so nice to meet you أنا سعيد جداً بلقائك Or أنا فرح جداً بلقائك Different ways to say لقائك (to meet you) مقابلتك التعرف عليك معرفتك 9. I’d like to introduce myself. أحب أن أعرفك بنفسي Or أريد أن أعرفك بنفسي 10. Good Night. تصبح على خير Or ليلة سعيدة Just copy the word/phrase/sentence to this TTS tool and click listen!: http://www.acapela-group.com/demo-tts/DemoHTML5Form_V2.php
  12. Hi, Right now, my method for learning French is watching a lot of French films/TV shows, and listening to French Radio Stations (this is how I learned English) but I need something else besides this. I need a DVD, software, audio book or some other stuff that could help me to accomplish my goal. The problem is, there is a lot of stuff to choose from. And I don’t really want to waste any money on useless software, DVDs or audio books. I’ll list a few of the available learning methods, and please choose one that you have tried personally. 1. Rosetta Stone 2. Tell Me More 3. Fluenz 4 .Pimsleur 5. Instant Immersion 6. Other method that is not listed here. Let me know why you’ve chosen it, and how would you rate it from 1 to 10. Thanks, Issam
  13. I thought I should properly introduce myself and say hello. So, hello everyone! My name is Issam. I'm from Morocco and I'm 22 years old. I speak Arabic fluently, and I'm hoping to learn French and improve my English. Kind regards, Issam
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