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Everything posted by multilingo

  1. I absolutely get you here. You can not really blame anyone, but I think, those who know exactly the difference would take the chance to educate people about its difference. That way, atleast we can inform some or say many in the process. About the suggestion, I think that is really not a bad idea, I am sure if the admin would read this, they would consider it again. What can you say Admin team ;-)
  2. Hat es sich auch bei euch aufgefallen? Die Sätze/Wörter auf Deutsch sind einfach echt lang. Ich kann aber nicht sagen ob sie die längste von den ganzen Welt ist, da ich nicht alle Sprache kenne, aber ich glaube, das die längste Wort Deutsch ist, oder? Was war das nochmal? Ich habe schon vergessen. Ich mag lesen und zwar als ich entschieden habe, das ich viel Deutsche Bücher lese, ich habe gefunden dass die übersetzende Bücher (also, Englisch auf Deutsch) sind doppelt zu dick als die original, z. B. amerikanische Bücher, sind. Stimmt oder? P.S. Da, ich nicht hundert Prozent „German native speaker“ bin, bitte korrigiere auch meinen Paragraf, um er gleichzeitig verbessern kann, dadurch können wir zusammen unsere Deutsch weiter üben.
  3. I first learned this saving time stuff when I arrived here in Europe and was late in my schedule because everybody forgot to tell me that there is such thing here. I asked them why such? They explained that it is actually to save energy etc. so in other words I really did not listen carefully and pay attention, lol! Anyway, it does not affect my language learning, because I do not outsource learning it but in general, to be honest, until now I do not see any sense why there is such GMT+1 hour und GMT-1 hour. Do you see any sense of it? if yes, please educate me guys.
  4. I grew up in the country where although we have American Standard English as the second mother language, I noticed that somehow, a lot of us have problems spotting words, spelling that differentiate between American and British English. When I was in college and was taking Journalism in my early semester, how many times I found myself mixing this up. My professor told me that there is actually no problem of using either one or the other. But the thing was, he wanted that if my article is written in American standard, then I just have to make sure that I stick to it, which means, there should not have any British English words hanging in there. But often, he always found one or two words. Anyone who can relate to this?
  5. In Deutsch schreibt man alle Nomen in Großbuchstabe. Anders als in Englisch, in Englisch nur den „proper nouns“ werden in Großbuchstabe geschrieben, natürlich gibt es noch andere Regeln in Englisch wo muss man wirklich den Wort in mit Großbuchstabe schreiben, aber lassen wir das erstmal im Moment J auf jedem Fall, musst du nur daran denken wenn du auf Deutsch schreibst, ob das eine Nomen oder nicht ist, wenn ja, schreibst das immer mit Großbuchstabe J
  6. Sharing some techniques on how to learn German or say any other language (vocabulary, accent etc.) fast. 1. Read books – this is my favorite – good for those who love reading and at the same time wanting the benefit of learning the language on the side. You may be slow at first but that is normal because you are reading in different language and not in your mother tongue. My advice, try not to look to every word in the dictionary during your reading, just keep on reading, it would avoid you to get bored. I know it may sound not right but believe me, it works. 2. Listen when the native are talking and then take note – Once in a while, I just keep my mouth shut, not asking question and just let myself listen when people talk around me, and then I take note some words that are new to me and if there is a chance ask some of them to tell me what those words mean or I look it up myself and then use it the next time I have the opportunity to do so 3. Watch film or TV – I think everybody is familiar with this one. I do not have to go further, let us save time J 4. Read simple signs – When I was driving places, I give notice to those signs on the way or around. This is great especially if you are driving in the same direction everyday. Eventually you will memorize these words since you are encountering them often. 5. Play scrabble – Sounds old but this will help. Just play the game and do not be furious of losing it, just think of the advantage side of it. Let them win in a while and learn vocabularies, that way you can win big too and then next time, win both sidesJ 6. Think like a child then converse, converse and converse – I know, there are a lot of factors that are holding us back (esp. new language learners) to talk to people, especially to the native speakers. I know them, because I had that stage in my life. When I was in school, there are a lot of time I wished I would not be on the spot where I have to talk or explain something, I was scared to mess myself, I was shy that I would not say it right. But this is not the right way to learn the language faster. In a study, kids are faster language learner than adults. Factors why is that so are, children do not have any hesitant to converse, they do not hold themselves, they are open, they are not shy and most of all, they are not scared not to speak perfectly. Adults should do the same. Just talk and do not be furious to be imperfect when it comes to language. That way you will practice and get better everyday and learn a lot. I know there are still a lot to mention, feel free to share yours
  7. I have almost tried all of the above that you have mentioned. Flashing cards, visiting Websites, talking with people, sticky post it notes, name it. But my favorite is reading books, news, etc., in other word, reading. Up to now, I see to it that I read everyday if possible. Personally, whatever language you are learning, reading is just one of the amazing ways to widen your knowledge in vocabulary. In my case, since I love reading, I am having fun while I am learning the language at the same time.
  8. While some people are more into watching films or TV, I am more into reading. When I was starting to learn German, I was hesitant to read any German books. Because, first of all, I was a little bit furious that I would lose the fun, the interest that I usually have when I am reading (you know what I mean, (When you do not know the language, you do not understand, you do not have fun!). Some told me to start with kid’s books, since they are of course basic and easy for newbie learners like me. I did not try though, because, honestly I was not so excited to read kid’s cute books and since that time I was into philosophy readings or something, I grabbed this book called “Walden or Life in the Woods” by Henry David Thoreau in German, first published in 1854. Which means, it was written with old scripts, languages etc., so with its German version. When my teacher in “Volkshochschule” (School in Germany, where I continued to learn German) saw the book, she was like, “Oh, I would not recommend you to read that book for now, this has old language, do not start with that book”. But I did not listen, I still read it. It was really hard of course to understand. It took me long to finish the book. But I must say, it was great! But okay, I would not recommend it to newbie though J So that was my first book that I read in German, then after that one, my readings were almost in German, whether it is fictional, factual etc. Although most of them are written by American authors, I always looked up for its German version. I must say, reading had help me deepen my vocabulary. Great way to learn the language in the process. Have you read any books in German already? What was your first book? How was your experience? PS. German version of American books are thicker. Really thicker.
  9. Nie, keine Nachricht. Ich habe dann bis jetzt 3 mal schon meine Nachricht (Inbox) nachgeschaut, aber leider gibt es keine private Nachricht.. nie.
  10. Hallo, genau, es gibt auch solche gewisse Suffixe wie du gesagt hast oder so wie komischerweise gegebene Regeln, zum Beispiel 98 Prozent das Obst starten eigentlich mit Artikel die, außer der Apfel weil der aber der Rest, z.B. die Traube, die Banane, die orange, die Ananas.. usw. werden alle mit Artikel die bezeichnet. :-) und natürlich auch alle Substantive starten mit das, das Essen, das Laufen, das Singen usw und sofort. Dies zum Beispiel sind große Hilfen für diejenigen die mit diesem Artikel Probleme haben. Private Nachricht? Nie, leider habe ich keine bekommen. Grüße
  11. Also klar, dass jede Sprache nicht einfach zu lernen ist. Vor allem wenn sie ganz anders als die Regeln deiner Muttersprache ist. Aber ich muss wirklich sagen, als ich die deutsche Sprache angefangen zu lernen habe, General, finde ich die sehr schwer. Warum? na ja, erstmal wegen die Umsetzung wenn es um die Satzbau geht (Ich meine, Englisch aufs Deutsch) aber für mich besonders ist die Artikel- der, die, das. Aber wirklich, diese Artikel haben mich so schwer getan, ich meine, bis jetzt. Denk mal dran, deutsche Artikel hat keine bestimmte Regel, obwohl, es paar aber diese Regeln gibt, diese spricht aber nicht die 100 Prozent, wo ich anwenden kann. Wie es ist bei euch? Welche Regel oder Teile von Deutsch lernen war für euch schwer? Warum? Wie habt ihr diese gelöst?
  12. www.prosieben.de or direct to the program; http://www.prosieben.de/tv-programm or try as well www.vox.de . Just try to go in these two channels, they have a lot of program replays. Prosieben is where they air the Galileo and some other interesting dubbed shows, the same with the Vox.de channel. I hope you can open though the links wherever your base is. Let me know then J
  13. Even some native speakers in the Philippines do not know somehow that there are difference between Tagalog and Filipino. Most of the time Tagalog is being associated as the national language of the Phils. but this is actually not correct. The official language of the Phils. is actually Filipino and Tagalog is the native dialect of the Tagalog ethnic group, this group is based in the provinces of Central and Southern Luzon. It was true, that this native language was declared as the official language way back then, but lost its officiality in 1897. The new and latest constitution declared Filipino as the official and national language of the country. Although, it is hard even myself to exactly point out the difference between the two. It is clear that if you would be asked what is the official language of the Philippines, you would not say next time- Tagalog, rather your response would be, Filipino.
  14. Prepositions in German, are way too complicated to explain. This is one of my biggest challenges when I was starting to learn the language. In order to categorize them you really have to be familiar with the different group of prepositions and the german dative, accusative pronouns, oh yes, and ofcourse the article. Regarding to your question: The technique I use is to actually know whether the sentence tells me a "position" or a "movement". I am at the football - indicates only a position, there is no movement. so the translation would be: Ich bin auf dem Fussballplatz. but if your sentence is: I go to the football field - indicates movement - you are going from A to B (example from your house to the football field), so it would be; Ich gehe in dem Fussballplatz
  15. I would totally not disagree on you on this. When I was not yet living in Germany, a lot of people told me the same, but in my case, living here was totally different from what I have heard and told. But I think, it depends on where you are and the age bracket. Some young Germans can speak English, but in my experience, especially those I know, they do not speak that fluent though. When I did my school (Ausbildung), I had a lot of young classmates and I was actually surprise why most of them struggle on speaking English. But I think, that is the case in some countries where the official language is not English. But on a positive note, this gave me a push as well to really learn German. Now my German friends are urging me more to deepen my knowledge on German and helping me at the same time, in return, I am happy to teach them as well English and we are having fun :-)
  16. I moved here because of my husband and of course, because of our mutual decision to live here. So I had to accept that I have to gave up my career in my land and to look forward of starting a new one in Germany. Some told me different stories about living there for good. In general, of course everyone was saying that it is important to have the knowledge on German language, but I have heard and thought that basic would be enough though, since they do communicate with English as well, but like what we know, you will never know unless you are exactly there. On the process, my interest of the culture and language of Germany grew as well. Learning the language, the culture were of the best things to do if you would stay in one country for good.
  17. Filipino language may not be popular as other languages such as Chinese, Spanish, German, English etcs. but Philippines because of its beautiful spots, this country is one of the favorite destinations in Asia. That is why I am wondering if anybody here has/had interest in learning the language of this country which is Filipino. Anyone? And if yes, why do/did you have an interest to learn the language?
  18. My workmates speak totally pure German with me. They are happy to see my improvements when it comes to using their language. Sometimes I get hard critic and funny sarcastic comments but I know them so I don't get offended usually. Although they know that I am fluent in English, it is seldom that somebody would go there and would try to speak with me in English and whenever I say word or phrases wrong, they are not hesitant to correct me which I find totally fine.
  19. Leider deutsche Musik bis jetzt ist nicht für mich so bekannt, also nicht gegen deutsche persönlich oder so, es geht nur um Musik. Ich habe probiert natürlich auch paar Lieder zu zuhören aber ich weis es nicht, die sind nicht meine aber anderseits, ich muss auch sagen 'currywurst! von Groenemeyer ist richtig gut, oh moment, die tote Hose - ja, diese Band muss man wirklich anhören. Aber wissen Sie dass Scorpions sind deutsche. Die sind klassisch! Was sagen Sie dazu?
  20. Thought of moving in Germany for a long period of time? Or say forever? How about just thought of trying to live there for months or years. Seriously if you have that thoughts now. I am absolutely recommending you to learn the language. Before I moved in here, I did my research on how can I in anyways with my basic German knowledge deal with everyday life. And then I read somewhere that that would not be a problem, since people in in Germany do really communicate with English as well. But when I arrived there I learned the reality that I have to go to the German language school and deepen my knowledge on the language, because believe me, if you are living in town like me where majority of the people are kind a old already your basic would not be enough. I remember when I went to the bakery once and although the saleslady was not that old, she did not speak English with me, despite my try on talking to her and show her that I do not speak German. I was frustrated after that. Everytime I do simple activity like asking direction, asking for a price of this and that stuff, I felt devastated to always speak with sign language with my mixed English and so poor basic German. So one day I decided to pick up myself and learn the language seriously as best, as fast as possible. And then after a while, I was happy I did that. Now I feel confident and feel free to communicate with Germans. How about you? What was your experience the first time you came in Germany? Did you have it worse? better? How fast did you learn the language? P.S. If you want some tips on how did I learn the language efficiently, feel free to ask. I would be glad to give you some insights :-)
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