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Effie last won the day on November 20 2015

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  • Currently studying
    French, Spanish
  • Native tongue
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  1. Hello, Could you please help me translate the following sentence into English: Voici une terrible causerie, ma chère enfant; il y a trois heures que je suis ici. - This is the first sentence of a very well-known letter by M-me de Sevigne. I cannot figure out what is the actual meaning of this phrase: Voici une terrible causerie... Voici une terrible causerie - it cannot be a "Here is a terrible conversation/talk..." It makes no sense. Is there another meaning of the word "causerie" ? In the English translation of this letter the translator simply omitted these words, could not make sense of them either, I guess. How would you translate this sentence? Thank you for your help.
  2. Спасибо большое, Анна! Почему-то никак не могла понять, что это не человек на кровати о пауках думает, а просто какая-то мысль пришла одновременно обоим паукам... Еще раз спасибо. Но вот "Кровать по ту сторону вечности" - что-то странное. Но у автора вообще много таких непонятностей. Всего наилучшего!
  3. Thank you so much, Oricat! This is all clear now. Quite a tricky sentence Have a great day!
  4. Hello, Here are a few sentences in French, which I cannot make sense of... Could you please have a look at them and let me know how to decode them? 1. À l'autre bout de l'éternité dont l'histoire est un lit. = On the other side of eternity where the history is the bed??? ... A bit of context: a person wakes up and sees a spider on the wall. He is scared of a spider, but cannot take his eyes off... Why is "the bed" = " the other side of eternity? 2. Et puis on dirait qu'une même idée les touche, effleure l'une, entraine l'autre: d'un seul frisson les voilà qui détalent à toute vitesse, leurs seize pattes avalant la blancheur du mur, mais n'importe comment, en direction de la plinthe et du sol, écrivant sur le mur leur affreux caprice imprévisible, désordre poilu. = This is about the same spiders (there are two of them now), but I cannot put these words together into a sentence... Could you help, please? Thank you so much in advance!
  5. Hi Elimination, Thank you for your input. So, would you translate it into English as something like "break through with force...envelopes with stamps"??? Why would there be envelopes (de sobres con sellos) there? or is there another meaning to "de sobres"? What do you think? Thanks!
  6. Hello, Could you please have a look at the following passage and let me know what would be the proper way to translate the highlighted words. I know the meaning of each of these words, but cannot make them into a phrase... Que maravillosa ocupación tomar el ómnibus, bajarse delante del Ministerio, abrirse paso a golpes de sobres con sellos, dejar atrás al último secretario y entrar, firme y serio, en el gran despacho de espejos, exactamente en el momento en que un ujier vestido de azul entrega al Ministro una carta, Thank you for your help!
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