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fuumarumota_espanol last won the day on January 19 2016

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  1. I agree, A lot of Spanish idioms and the emotions they try to express are highly context dependent. So word by word won't work in these cases.
  2. Haha, I had a lot of fun with this thread. In latin-america people tend to use the word "madre" (mother) in countless derogatory ways, and I think this is one of the most difficult uses of slang to understand in Spanish. It's a cultural "feature" of the region. Example: Vale Madre! (MEX) - It can be used as "I'm screwed" or also to state that something is not important, among other uses. I don't know if it's appropriate to continue giving examples of these (lol). Cheers!
  3. Yeah, it's true. I can't think of any direct translations for those phrases. The best we can do is to explain their meaning in plain, literal English.
  4. Hi, Welcome to the forums, I see you know Japanese. I'm learning it too but I'm far from being semi-fluent yet... You'll have fun here! Cheers!
  5. My favorite song in Spanish is "El Jinete" by "José Alfredo Jiménez" :). Cheers!
  6. I live in a not-so-big city, Aguascalienrs. Mexico. But I think a beautiful building is the San Antonio temple, (templo de San Antonio). Here's a photo for you: Thanks!
  7. "De el" is only used when "el" is a pronoun. In any other case the correct form is "del", for masculine nouns and "de la" for feminine ones. I hope it helps
  8. Te recomiendo las películas de la época del cine de oro Mexicano, son my buenas y podrás practicar mucho!
  9. Could be, affinity with the other person is what makes you stay together. That includes everything, such as similar words or speaking style.
  10. Hi, I'd say: 1) ¡Ámame! 2) ¡Ámame ahora! 3) ¡Amar ahora! / ¡Amor ahora! You're welcome!
  11. I think the best age is when you are a child, around 4-10 years old. It's not only when your brain absorbs the most information as it can, but also when you don't have any other responsibilities that steal your precious time.
  12. Hola @Elimination, Básicamente por que me casé con una Hidrocálida y además me ofrecieron trabajo por acá. Buena oportunidad para huir un poco del bullicio de la gran ciudad jeje.
  13. Han escuchado hablar del "Pozole"? Es un delicioso plato Mexicano pre-hispánico a base de granos de maíz y carne de pollo o cerdo. Puede ser verde o rojo. Se los recomiendo muchísimo. Con uno grande tienen para aguantar hasta el otro día XD.
  14. Hello Alex_F, Welcome to the forums. I am a native Spanish speaker, so I you need any help please don't hesitate in asking. I'm from Mexico, so not sure about south American specifics. Anyway, let me know if you need help. Cheers!
  15. Hi Karen, welcome to the forum. So, what does an Sign Interpreter do? Is Sign an association of some sort? Just curious Thanks!
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