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Found 9 results

  1. Hi! I'm D, female from the Philippines! I'm seriously looking for a female language buddy who wants to learn German with me. I think I'm high A1. If you're a beginner no problem. We will share learning references. Write me why and how serious you are of learning this language and of course a little bit about you. You must speak English (you don't have to be fluent) and can make time every week for voice/video chat (for our practice). I'm learning German because it is my dream to do a volunteer year there. My time is just as valuable as yours so please I hope you have a serious reason why you're learning it too.
  2. Hi everyone! I just heard about this new app from a friend. I am an au pair in Munich right now so I am of course attempting to learn German, even though so far I think it's not an easy language! The app is called eKidz.eu and the idea is that you learn German by reading books in German. It is an application for iPad only right now and it's geared towards kids, but as an adult trying to learn German, it's still a fun way to learn German. For now the app is free and you have access to lots of different books with cute little animations and different levels of difficulty. If you download and try it out, let me know what you think. So far, I think it's a really cool idea!
  3. Also klar, dass jede Sprache nicht einfach zu lernen ist. Vor allem wenn sie ganz anders als die Regeln deiner Muttersprache ist. Aber ich muss wirklich sagen, als ich die deutsche Sprache angefangen zu lernen habe, General, finde ich die sehr schwer. Warum? na ja, erstmal wegen die Umsetzung wenn es um die Satzbau geht (Ich meine, Englisch aufs Deutsch) aber für mich besonders ist die Artikel- der, die, das. Aber wirklich, diese Artikel haben mich so schwer getan, ich meine, bis jetzt. Denk mal dran, deutsche Artikel hat keine bestimmte Regel, obwohl, es paar aber diese Regeln gibt, diese spricht aber nicht die 100 Prozent, wo ich anwenden kann. Wie es ist bei euch? Welche Regel oder Teile von Deutsch lernen war für euch schwer? Warum? Wie habt ihr diese gelöst?
  4. Hat es sich auch bei euch aufgefallen? Die Sätze/Wörter auf Deutsch sind einfach echt lang. Ich kann aber nicht sagen ob sie die längste von den ganzen Welt ist, da ich nicht alle Sprache kenne, aber ich glaube, das die längste Wort Deutsch ist, oder? Was war das nochmal? Ich habe schon vergessen. Ich mag lesen und zwar als ich entschieden habe, das ich viel Deutsche Bücher lese, ich habe gefunden dass die übersetzende Bücher (also, Englisch auf Deutsch) sind doppelt zu dick als die original, z. B. amerikanische Bücher, sind. Stimmt oder? P.S. Da, ich nicht hundert Prozent „German native speaker“ bin, bitte korrigiere auch meinen Paragraf, um er gleichzeitig verbessern kann, dadurch können wir zusammen unsere Deutsch weiter üben.
  5. Hallo, Leute! Ich will mein Schriftdeutsch zu üben und ich werde meistens täglich die Sätze tippen. Korrigier bitte meine Fehler. (Should I type „Korrigier ihr bitte“ if I politely ask several people?) Feel free to express any criticism and suggestions for improvement. Danke! 14.12.2017 Gestern Morgen ich besuchte ein Einstellungsgespräch. Personalleiterin aufgeführt sich ziemlich wahnsinnig und nicht bekannt gab Gehalt der angebotene Stelle. Dann ich ging zur Arbeitsamt weil vorgestern ich vergass da eines Dokument. Und danach ich besuchte noch ein Arbeitgeber weil ich war zu dem nachsenden bei (or von?) Beamtin des Arbeitsamt. (Should I indicate gender of a person in cases when some civil servant is a woman or it would be appropriate to say “Beamte”. Would it be correct to say “Arbeitsamt Beamtin“?) I named the MS Word document in which I type this “Die Übung des schriftlicher Ausdruck“. Are there any errors in the name? 15.12.2017 Heute Mittag ich bei Stellenangebote rief an. Ich mir mit zwei Arbeitgebern verabredet sein. Später ich das Geschirr abwaschen liess. Dann, während des Essens, mir eine Television Serie sah an. Zur Abschluss des Tages, ich besuchte ein Lebensmittelgeschäft und Deutsch studierte. 16.12.2017 Ich verbrachte vier Stunde zu einem Einstellungsgespräch gehen. Inhaber des Flieseladen hat angeboten mir eine Stelle, aber der Beginn der Arbeit ist nach Neujahr, in Januar. Das ist nicht so gut weil ich zöge vor morgen zu arbeiten zu anfangen. P. S. How to turn off the spellchecking on this forum? It underlines all the text that not in English. How to avoid skipping a line after each pressing of the enter key? This way it looks quite ugly.
  6. Hi.. I need some help. I putted my game (Overwtach) in german so I would listen to it all the time while I play and maybe it could help me learn faster german... But I cant understand almost anything.. So, if you ever played it and know what are the character saying. Could you tell me? I normally play with Zarya and her most famous quote is: Together we are strong. - Gemeinsam sind wir stark. Other quotes would be - a temporary setback Practice makes perfect - I am still in the fight. I will not surrender. Just like in training. Perserverance is the key. This fight is not over. Uh uh. I am not a good loser. And the reason why I am not just putting in translator is because sometimes they have different forms of saying it.. So, if youever played this game in German, could you help me?
  7. Hey, anyone can help me to translate all these in Deutsch (German). Thank you. 1. On my semester break, me and brother went to the beach. 2. Pantai Merdeka is a popular tourist spot in Kedah. 3. On weekend, the place is visited by many people because it is the best place for family outing. 4. There are many things to do here, including swimming, boating to Tanjung Dawai, and so on. 5. There are also open sales outlets including restaurants, souvenirs, clothing and so on. 6. On the beach, there are two popular foods such as Mee Udang and ABC. 7. ABC(food) here is very tasty. Gunung Jerai is very popular for its food. 8. The beautiful sunset can be viewed in the evening. The highest mountain of Gunung Jerai can be seen here. 9. I came here because I want to feel the atmosphere of the beach and the food here.
  8. Hallo an alle!I teach German to students from all over the word and help them improve their conversational skills and prepare for certificates. I am happy to say that all of my students have shown great improvement in their speaking skills in a short space of time.I love learning and teaching new languages and hope to share my knowledge with many new students all around the world. My teaching approach is communicative, caring and learner-centred. I believe that positive learning experiences can make a big difference to someone's life and I feel passionate about accompanying my students on their personal learning journeys. My goal is to improve your German speaking confidence and helping you learn new words and improve your spoken grammar.Each class is designed to your personal needs.If you want to learn German, refresh your German knowledge, if you need private lessons in German to prepare for a test or simply want to improve your pronunciation, you are welcome to contact me. I will not only teach you grammar and vocabulary but also provide you with insights into German and Austrian culture, music, literature and lifestyle.Hoffentlich bis bald http://learngermanonlinenow.weebly.com/
  9. Thought of moving in Germany for a long period of time? Or say forever? How about just thought of trying to live there for months or years. Seriously if you have that thoughts now. I am absolutely recommending you to learn the language. Before I moved in here, I did my research on how can I in anyways with my basic German knowledge deal with everyday life. And then I read somewhere that that would not be a problem, since people in in Germany do really communicate with English as well. But when I arrived there I learned the reality that I have to go to the German language school and deepen my knowledge on the language, because believe me, if you are living in town like me where majority of the people are kind a old already your basic would not be enough. I remember when I went to the bakery once and although the saleslady was not that old, she did not speak English with me, despite my try on talking to her and show her that I do not speak German. I was frustrated after that. Everytime I do simple activity like asking direction, asking for a price of this and that stuff, I felt devastated to always speak with sign language with my mixed English and so poor basic German. So one day I decided to pick up myself and learn the language seriously as best, as fast as possible. And then after a while, I was happy I did that. Now I feel confident and feel free to communicate with Germans. How about you? What was your experience the first time you came in Germany? Did you have it worse? better? How fast did you learn the language? P.S. If you want some tips on how did I learn the language efficiently, feel free to ask. I would be glad to give you some insights :-)
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