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Found 9 results

  1. I want to replace my mother tongue (Polish) with English. I live in England, all of my friends are English, I watch British TV, listen to English music, achieved grade 7 at English GCSE, I avoid Polish people (except for my family) and everything related to Poland, but I still think in Polish...can I change it? I hate Polish, Poland and the Polish culture and I really want to make English my primary language. (or Swedish or German or French or Chinese or any other language I know) Do you know any ways to "forget" your native language?
  2. Hello everybody. My name is Mariusz Suder. I'd like to present a new universal, speaking program for learning any language Speaking Teacher AB3 There are already a lot of prepared tests for practicing and learning: English, Polish, German and Russian. Tests for any other languages can be written on your own Speaking Teacher has its own editor. Another program's feature is possibility to operate in special mode for blind. To fully use this application SAPI5 voices are required (visit my site to install) Speaking Teacher AB3 fully functional test version is on: https://www.sudermariusz.com.pl/english/speakingteacher.html and can be downloaded from (here's the direct link): https://www.sudermariusz.com.pl/download/instaler_st_ab3.exe
  3. It's not my site but... I believe you all might find it useful. WordBrewery is a new website that pulls sentences from the news. They are then categorized by level and topic. There's also a search bar so you can find specific words in context. Audio, translation, and the source article are included. It's also possible to save words and sentences to lists, and export these to Anki. It's currently free to use. Like every other app, all you need to do is register. Personally... I use it for German, as it doesn't have Hindi yet. But it's rather nice, because it's hard to find advanced materials for many languages I'm interested in, such as Modern Greek and Arabic. I use it as a warm up and to find context to words. I'm also considering using Anki, so if I decide to, I'll start exporting all my lists. Current Languages: Arabic Spanish French Italian Portuguese English Swedish Russian Serbian Japanese Modern Greek Polish Hungarian Ukrainian Norwegian Korean Chinese German
  4. I'm not sure if this is allowed. I am working with a freelance company (OneSpace) to identify freelance workers to assist with a project. We need people to transcribe audio files (no translation needed). There are multiple roles for each language needed. The project begins on 2/1 and is flexible work. You would work from home. All you need is a PayPal email address to be paid as your work is completed. To be considered, I can send you a 1-minute audio file to be transcribed. We are open to considering people without previous transcription experience as long as they have the necessary language skills. Thank you! Emily
  5. This is a song which my grandmother sung recently, she doesn't know the language. She said her mother taught her this song and said never to say it in public (maybe it is explicit or offensive, sorry if it is). Her mother was from Austria-Hungary and spoke the same language as her father from east Romania/west Ukraine if that is any help. I have consulted some Russian speakers and they said maybe it is Polish, and my grandmother suspected this as well. Thanks for any help! misclanguage.mp3
  6. Are you learning a language? On our website you can find useful information on languages, on destinations (language learning should be fun!), on exams like the CAE, CPE, CFE, TOEFL etc. and on grammar and vocabulary study. Our blog is in German, there is also an Italian, English, French, Spanisch, Polish and Portuguese section. Interested? Then go to: http://coursefinders.com/de/studentlibrary We are happy to see you there!
  7. Words & Pictures game by BaltoSlav A nice way to learn new words or assess your knowledge of a given language's vocabulary. Supports Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Turkish, Ukrainian and some others.
  8. General / Language Courses: http://www.polishforums.com/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/languages/polish/ http://mowicpopolsku.com/ http://polish.slavic.pitt.edu/ Reading: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/poland.htm http://literat.ug.edu.pl/autors.htm https://pl.wikisource.org/wiki/Kategoria:Autorzy_alfabetycznie Video & Audio: http://www.polskieradio.pl/ http://www.tvp.pl/ Grammar: http://www.learnpolishfeelgood.com/index.html http://free.of.pl/g/grzegorj/gram/gram00.html Dictionaries: http://sjp.pwn.pl/ http://oxford.pwn.pl/ http://pl.bab.la/slownik/polski-angielski/ http://ling.pl/ http://www.wordreference.com/plen/
  9. Hello to all linguaholics out there! My name is Ania, I'm 32 and I live in Poland. I was born in Ukraine and spent most of my life in Russia, so I know some Ukrainian (mostly passively though) and my native language is Russian. I speak fluent English, Polish and French. I'm studying... also English and French as well as Spanish, Italian, Dutch and German. I live in Warsaw with my partner (he's Polish and is currently trying to master English and German) and my cat Barbara My non-language hobbies are: - reading (pretty much everything but especially psychology, self-help, nonfiction, romances, thrillers and poetry) - listening to music (in all languages I can more or less understand, mostly pop, oldies, musicals and anything Disney) - playing computer, phone and board games - cooking and baking - growing plants on the windowsill - writing stories - drawing - doing logical puzzles, sudoku, crosswords and so on - knitting, embroidering and creating things with my own hands - playing with my cat, feeding ducks and generally cooing over animals - sorting, renaming, improving and generally taking care of my huge collection of ebooks and music files I'd love to meet likely-minded people who enjoy learning languages. If someone is also a fan of pink colour, morning coffee and vegetarian food, that's even better
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