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Found 4 results

  1. Hi guys! My name is Nada and I'm a native speaker of Serbian language. If anyone is interested in learning it, I would be more than glad to help him or her to acquire it as quicky as possible. Serbian is spoken by a minority of world's population and the grammar and pronunciation might be difficult to master but alongside the proper guidance and practice it can be fun and easy. Whoever is willing to learn it through the guidance of a native tutor, go to the following link http://www.verbalplanet.com/publicviewprofile.asp?tr_id=10033862908&lang=SER . I also teach English language since I obtain BA and MA in English language and literature. Hope to see some of you soon, have a nice day
  2. Hi everyone! My name is Nada, I'm a teacher of English language, currently working in one school in Serbia. Recently, I have started giving online lessons via Verbalplanet.com. I'm a tutor of both English and Serbian. If anyone is willing to try it out, I would like to help people to learn new language as much as possible The Verbalplanet.com offers free trial lessons and loyalty discounts as well. Thank you for taking your time to read this. Have a nice day!
  3. It's not my site but... I believe you all might find it useful. WordBrewery is a new website that pulls sentences from the news. They are then categorized by level and topic. There's also a search bar so you can find specific words in context. Audio, translation, and the source article are included. It's also possible to save words and sentences to lists, and export these to Anki. It's currently free to use. Like every other app, all you need to do is register. Personally... I use it for German, as it doesn't have Hindi yet. But it's rather nice, because it's hard to find advanced materials for many languages I'm interested in, such as Modern Greek and Arabic. I use it as a warm up and to find context to words. I'm also considering using Anki, so if I decide to, I'll start exporting all my lists. Current Languages: Arabic Spanish French Italian Portuguese English Swedish Russian Serbian Japanese Modern Greek Polish Hungarian Ukrainian Norwegian Korean Chinese German
  4. Words & Pictures game by BaltoSlav A nice way to learn new words or assess your knowledge of a given language's vocabulary. Supports Basque, Bulgarian, Catalan, Czech, English, Esperanto, Estonian, Finnish, French, Georgian, Hungarian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovene, Turkish, Ukrainian and some others.
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