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  1. Hi guys! My name is Emily, and I help translate health questions and answers into Spanish and Chinese for HealthTap. HealthTap is the leader in telehealth where doctors across 130 specialties can answer any health question for free and provide virtual consults 24/7 through our premium services. We are proud to announce that we have just launched HealthTap Translations, which will now allow people everywhere in the world access important information about their health online - no matter what language they speak! We are currently looking for volunteers to help us translate our library of doctor curated health questions and answers into different languages. This is a great way to practice medical terminology as well as gain exposure and experience in the translation space, as we’ve received high praise from Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Forbes, Fortune, and CNN. Most importantly, as a HealthTap Translator, you will spread health and wellness ideas to millions of users internationally each day. To sign up, please click here: https://www.healthtap.com/translate For any questions, feel free to email: [email protected]
  2. HUKUKİ TERCÜME NEDİR? Hukuki tercüme; resmi makamlara sunulmak için sevindirici, makalelerin ve kanunların hedef dile çevrilmesi sürecidir. Kişiye uygun ulaşım için kullanılmaya başlanmak için tercümeye hazırlık yapılır. · Sürücü belgesi · Ölüm ve doğum belgeleri · Vasiyetnameler · Diploma · kimlik · Pasaport · Vize evrakı · Beyanname · Mevzuatlar · Kanunlar · Göçmenlik evrakları · sözleşmeler · Vekâletnameler · Mahkeme hastanesi · İş teklifleri · Ticari yazışmalar · Uzman teklifleri Hukuki tercümenin konusu olabilir. Hukuki tercümeden avukatlar, devletler, uluslararası ve faydalanmaktadırlar. Kullanılan ilginin resmi işi olması nedeniyle en fazla özen, ve titizlik inceleme türü incelemedir. Diğer yandan, kendi içinde kendi içinde bir sahip olan sahip yapı birimi zorlaştırmaktadır. Latince gibi kelimelere ait kelimelerin kullanımı eski, kullanımdan uzun kullanım, kullanım için kullanımlar, kullanım için kullanılan noktalarlama işaretlerinin az, ifadelerin ve fiillerin kullanımı için çokça kullanımlarının yorumlanmasının çok geniş kapsamlı incelenmesi için kullanılır. Hukuki Tercüman Hangi Özelliklere Sahip Olmalı? Hukuki tercümanlar için, 1980'lerden sonra niyet olarak kullanmak için. Artan ticarileşmenin getirisi olarak ürünler arasında artan ticaret ve iş kampanyaları olan tercümanlara yönelik artıştır. Artan ihtiyaçla birlikte tercümanların hizmetin kapsamında farklı bir başlangıç yapılmaya başlanması. Hukuki tercümelerle yapılan basit bir kelime, kültürler arasında görülen dilden değildir. Metni çözümleyen ve çözümlenen tekrar eden metin tercümanın metne kattığı değer, tercümanın sahip olduğu özellikleri gösterilecektir. Peki başarılı bir çeviri için gazeteci tercümanın hangi imaja sahip olması gerekir? Kesin, net ve katı ifadelerin hakları hakkında metinlerde; cümleler edilgen yapılır ve 3. kişilere yöneliktir. Kişiden çok sayıdaki ön plana çıkarıldığı bu metindeki ögeler, biçimsel olarak farklı yerlerde. Dolayısıyla hukuki tercüman, dikkate alınması ve çevrilecek olması hedef dili ileri düzeyde bilebilir. Hukuki metinlerinin yapısı kendine özel bir termin vardır. Ek olarak, eski dillerden kullanılır. Bu artırma, eğitim almamış bir kişi kendi anadilindeki metinleri anlaması bile pek pek mümkün değil. Çevirmen için ise süreç daha zordur. Çünkü kaynak metinde kullanılan ifadelerin terimlerin hedef dilde bir ya da öyle. Birebir çevirinin yetersiz bu gibi hazırlık, dil bilmek tek başına sorunuz. Bir çeviri için tercüman, kaynak dilin hukuk biliminin hakim olduğu alanda yaygın olarak kullanılması hedeflenen dilin hukuk eğitimi ve uygulamalarına da hakim olmalıdır. İyi bir sözlük tercüme hizmeti ; çeviriye önceden yardıma kim tarafından, ne amaçla, hangi iletmek için hazır öğreneceğini öğrenmiş. Bu ön hazırlık için önemli bir konu hakkında fikir için. Gündelik dilde aynı anlama gelen kelime, yasal terminolojide barındırabilir. Hukuki tercüman, gözde bulundurarak çeviride kullanılacağı için bağlama sadık kalarak seçer. Hukuki metin mahkemelerine, bürokrasi gibi kurumlara ve noter gibi resmi kuruluşlara. Dolayısıyla yanlış çevrilmesi, ağır bedeller ödemeye neden olabilir. Bu gibi durumların yaşanmaması için, söz konusu terimden aynı metinleri çok tercüme olması gerekir. Hukuki tercümelerde kaynak kullanımı ilettiği metin ve hukuk sistemi anlamları, kullanım amaçları bir dilin kullanım şekli ve kullanım içindir. Bu ileri, hukuki tercümanın kaynak ve hedef dilin oyunlarına da vakıf olması gerekir. Çeviride parantez veya yeni bir sözcük kullanarak, kapsamlı, aslına uygun bir şekilde çevirmesi gerekir. Hukuki yerleştirmek için görüşme yapmak, cinsel ilişkiye girmek için önceden düşünülmesine neden olur. Hukuki metinlerde çevirinin mükemmel olması için doğru uzmanla çalışılması gerekir. Hukuki metinler yorumunda ve hatalıya çok müstehcendir. İyi bir hukuki tercüman açık, net ve bir dille ilgili. Dikkatli ve bir çalışma yürütür. Bazı hukuki metinler geniş çaplı araştırma gerektirebilir. Bu gibi durumlarda; hukuki tercüman araştırmayı ne şekilde ve nasıl yapacağını, hangi kaynaklara başvurması gerektiğini biliyor olmalıdır. Tercüman Bürolarının Rolü Nedir? Tercüman büroları, yeminli hukuki tercüme gerektiren işlerde büyük rol oynar. Hukuki tercümelerde ya noter tasdiki ya da yeminli tercüman istendiği göz önünde bulundurulduğunda; hukuki tercüme alanındaki uzman tercümanlar, tercüman büroları için olmazsa olmaz diyebiliriz. Diğer yandan, tercüman büroları sizin yerinize sizin için doğru uzmanı bulur. Süreci kolaylaştırır, gerekli olan planlama ve organizasyonu yapar. Yet Global 60’ın üstünde dil seçeneğiyle, size güvenilir ve kusursuz bir hizmet vermek için 2009 yılından bu yana faaliyet gösteriyor. Hukuki tercüme uzmanlık ve profesyonellik isteyen, detaylı ve titiz bir çalışma gerektirir. Yet Global’de kusursuz hukuki tercüme için metin, uzman tercümanlardan sonra alan ve ana dil editörleri tarafından kontrol edilir. Tercümenin eksiksiz, tutarlı, doğru, tam zamanında ve hedef ülkenin hukuk sistemine uygun teslim edildiğinden emin olunur. Hukuki metinlerde yanlış ve eksik çevirilerle karşılaşmamak için profesyoneller tarafından manuel olarak, çeviri bellek sistemleri kullanılarak tercüme edilir. Hukuki metinlerde elzemdir. Oysa küresel kişisel korumak için, tüm tercümanlarıyla kalacak yer yapacak. Yazılı hukuki metinlerin salonlarında yanı sıra, noterde ve adliyelerde sözlü tercüme tercümesi için de bizimle iletişime geçebilirsiniz. Kaynak : https://www.tercumesirketi.com/hukuki-tercume/
  3. Hello :-) I need some help using the correct grammar for this sentence I want to say: 私にとって、医学を勉強することは難しいようですから、お医者になりたくて、人助けをしたいことは素晴らしいと思います。 I want the meaning to be something similar to "For me, studying medicine seems difficult, which is why I think it is awesome, that you want to become a doctor and help people." Is this sentence grammatically correct like that? Especially the middle part seems weird to me, I'd be glad if someone could help me :-)
  4. Are you spending a lot of time teaching your kids spelling? Have you misspelled words in professional emails? Quick test, which of the following is correct: accomodate or accommodate? If your answer is yes to any of the questions, then this is the game for you! *FEATURES* 1. Around 1200 words Library (Chinese Translation Provided) The words are suitable for kids aged 4 to 8 years old. They can learn based on their pace and age. Thus, it is very efficient for home based learning especially this moment. Another 1200 words for kids aged 9 to 12 will be available soon. 2. Customisable Spelling List Create your own spelling list with words that you want to learn. You only have to key in all the words that you want your kids to learn in the spelling list. Then, your kids are ready to learn on their own! 3. 300 Commonly Misspelled Words (With Chinese Translation Provided) Improve your spelling with these 300 commonly misspelled words. These words are commonly used in daily communication. Complete this 300 commonly misspelled words feature to avoid any awkward misspelled words in professional context or daily communication in future. 4. Accurate Pronunciation Improve your communication by learning to pronounce words accurately. With a slow motion reading speed in the game, you will be able to learn perfect pronunciation. 5. Funny And Cute Stickers Collect adorable stickers for free! More stickers to come in new updates 6. It is free! FrozenAlien Apple App Store link – https://apps.apple.com/my/app/frozenalien/id1495573343 Thank you for your time.
  5. Hello everyone, I am new to this board, maybe I can use this opportunity to introduce myself. I am Maarten, 24 years of age and I live in The Netherlands. Actually I speak Dutch fluently, but my girlfriend doesn't. She lives in Macedonia, and is eager to learn Dutch. We communicate with eachother in English, and she speaks French and German as well. Now Dutch is, (to put it very broad) a mix of English and German grammar, with some French vocabulary, so you can imagine Dutch isn't the hardest language for her to learn. But what should I look out for when teaching her Dutch? I notice myself that I struggle explain certain sentences, since you can translate a sentence in a literal and a figurative way. For example: "Ik loop vandaag naar school" means "I am walking to school today.". While in Dutch, it literally says" "I walk today to school", which is incorrect in English,m but correct in Dutch. How do you explain the difference in sentence structure? I am struggling to find a coherent explanation for it, maybe because it is second nature for me. Also, I am eager to learn different methods for me to practice with my girlfriend, to make it more enjoyable and exciting for the both of us. Note, we do call and videocall, but we cant see eachother in person, which sometimes is a bit of a struggle. I am looking forward to your responses. Greetings, Maarten
  6. But even if you dedicate yourself daily, it's still not easy and most people fail, or they peak and then start to forget/lose what they've learned. Why does this happen?? I'll tell you why. Because you're not immersed in the language that you are learning. If I was learning Italian, and I moved to Italy, then with tools like Duolingo, Babbel, and others that are designed for those harder languages, I can learn Italian fluently. But if I try to learn Italian from America, sure I can memorize many words, but that doesn't mean that I will retain much since I'm not surrounded by the language. Get ready, I'm going to pitch something, but know that it's something that I truly created for myself at first to solve the exact issue from above. Except my issue was to not forget my native language of Romanian since I moved to America at a very young age, and in my adult life I speak Romanian to very few people and very rarely. So naturally, I started slipping. Every couple of years I would go back to visit Romania for about a month, and in that month of being immersed in the language, it came back sooo much more than if I were to just practice at home on my own. Light bulb!! What if I could stay immersed in the Romanian language even in America, every day. That would be cool. Well, what do I already do every day.....I have conversations through text messages every day!! These convos are in English, but what if I could see those convos in Romanian too. Ahhhaaaaa! So I developed a simple text messaging app, that my wife and I, and a couple of family/friends used. It does what I described above, it shows me my convos in another language as well. I ended up placing it on the App Store, Apple even featured it in the "New Apps We Love" section. Check it out if interests you, and I would love your feedback. https://apps.apple.com/us/app/chatall/id1043435029 - (currently for iOS only - but there are plans for Android as well) See screenshot. I'm having a conversation in English on the left side, and on the right side my conversation is being translated in Spanish. Thanks, Adrian P.S. I'm not competing with the existing tools that take tackle language learning with more depth. Those are amazing tools that you should continue to use. But adding something like this to the mix to keep you immersed will make a BIG difference. P.S.S. If you are on iOS 13 already, there is a small bug with the formatting. The blue header at the top is missing (it's actually transparent). An update with a fix is coming in the next couple of days Apple always breaks something with their new releases. P.S.S.S. The app does not just use the regular Google Translator for the translations. I use Neural Machine Translations which is a software also being developed by Google, but it utilizes AI/machine learning to translate entire sentences, rather then word by word. This works much better for conversational/full sentence translations, and it's AI and machine learning driven so it constantly improves itself. Here's some more info on it --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neural_machine_translation
  7. I often have questions about French usage that can't be solved by a dictionary, so I have been relying on Linguee quite a lot. For each word or phrase you can get a long list of real-world usages pulled from the Web. It covers many languages, though I can only vouch for the French content as I haven't used it for any other languages so far.
  8. Can you help me translate this sentence to german: My old sorrows have come back to haunt me.
  9. Hello, i am looking for a little bit of help. If anyone can offer some that would be great. a very good friend of mine has just had a baby and his wife is german. I am looking to buy them a picture that says dream big lukas. but I would like to get it done in german. Could anyone translate it correctly for me? I have found three different translations on the internet. many thanks ade
  10. Hello all, I am working on a project that requires a request to be translated in French, German, Italian and Spanish. I've used a translation app but don't trust it completely. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Here's the situation: a group of study abroad students will be going overseas to work on conversational skills (France, Germany, Italy, Mexico). What would be a nice written way to ask people, politely, to engage in conversation with these students for the purpose of practice? Perhaps a translation of "I would appreciate practice speaking (French, German, Italian, Spanish)". The fewer words the better. Thanks so much everyone!
  11. Hi.. I need some help. I putted my game (Overwtach) in german so I would listen to it all the time while I play and maybe it could help me learn faster german... But I cant understand almost anything.. So, if you ever played it and know what are the character saying. Could you tell me? I normally play with Zarya and her most famous quote is: Together we are strong. - Gemeinsam sind wir stark. Other quotes would be - a temporary setback Practice makes perfect - I am still in the fight. I will not surrender. Just like in training. Perserverance is the key. This fight is not over. Uh uh. I am not a good loser. And the reason why I am not just putting in translator is because sometimes they have different forms of saying it.. So, if youever played this game in German, could you help me?
  12. There are a couple of words I stumbled onto a week back that I can't seem to find. They have been stuck in my head since, and I have no idea what language they might be from. I am inclined to believe that these words may "loosely" translate into something like "spring flower" in English. Any help in this endevor would be greatly appreciated. I tried Google translate and the only thing I could come up with was Estonian, but that was quite a stretch. The words are as follows, unfortunately, I don't have the correct spelling, but I believe that the pronunciation is correct. Ill-a-et su-ve the "a" should be pronounced hard, the "u" should be pronounced "oo", and the "e" is hard as well. Thank you!
  13. Yeah, this is our own app. It is new and we are studying on it. I am believing this app can easy people's reading on a foreign language. Reading Browser is showing you translations by Google Translate. Check it out.. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tr.com.blogspot.androidlister.readingbrowser02
  14. I've attached an image file with something written in what looks like Korean script. Can someone please translate it into English?
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