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2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi: Vocabulary


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The 22nd Winter Olympic Games were planned to take place in Sochi, Russia. Finally, it is February and the whole world can watch online translation. This winter games are scheduled on 7- 23 February, so you have time keep a close watch on Olympics.  As the host city is Russia, so some Russian phrases may become very helpful to you. It even does not matter where you are now in Sochi or at home. At any rate it is a nice opportunity to demonstrate Russian language skills and learn new words.

There is also interesting fact about financing of Olympic Games. The budget for the games is about $50 million. We can surely, state that this event will be known in a sport history as the most expensive Olympic Games. If to compare with previous Olympics, which took place in Beijing, so budget for Winter Olympic Games in Sochi is 10% higher.

Well, here are some 15 winter sport disciplines, so do not miss this chance to learn new Russian words.

Биатлон  - Biatlon - biathlon

Бобслей – Bobslej - bobsleigh

Горные лыжи - Gornye lyži - downhill skiing

Керлинг – Kerling - curling

Лыжное двоеборье - Lyžnoe dvoebor´e - jumping race

Лыжные гонки - Lyžnye gonki - Nordic Combined

Прыжки на лыжах с трамплина - Pryžki na lyžah s tramplina - ski jumping

Санный спорт - Sannyj sport - luge

Скелетон – Skeleton - skeleton

Скоростной бег на коньках - Skorostnoj beg na kon´kah - cross country

Сноуборд - Snoubord  - snowboard

Фигурное катание на коньках- Figurnoe katanie na kon´kah - figure skating

Фристайл – Fristajl - freestyle skiing

Хоккей на льду - Hokkej na l´du - ice hockey

Шорт-трек  - Šort-trek - speed skating 

More additional words and phrases about Olympic Games theme.

Церемония открытия - Ceremoniâ otkrytiâ  – opening ceremony

Церемония закрытия – Ceremoniâ zakrytiâ - closing ceremony

Эстафета олимпийского огня  - Èstafeta olimpijskogo ognâ – Olympic relay race

медальный зачёт - medal´nyj začët - medal standings

Олимпийская деревня – Olimpijskaâ derevnâ  - Olympic village

Паралимпиада - Paralimpiada - Paralympic Games

In conclusion I would like to add, that if your level of Russian language is advanced, so you can easily review the latest news about the Olympics and discuss it on forums, social networks. Also, you can find friends from Russia and chat with native speaker. Improve your Russian language and feel free to ask me questions!

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Too bad I was abroad when you posted this :(  I did watch the Olympic games :)  In the home where I was staying they loved watching skating on the TV.  I didn't like it that much tho, but I did watch it from time to time! I couldn't understand a word of it tho, but I did enjoy watching it!

Thanks for the vocabulary list, I hope you decide to come back anytime soon, I truly appreciate your cultural lessons!

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