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Easiest language to learn as native English speaker?


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I would mostly have to say that languages you should try to learn is Spanish, French and Italian. Mostly because we borrow alot of words from those languages and because of this it should make learning those languages alot simplier and little more fun, cause you might actually get to learn what they mean in their native tounges... So yeah... Have fun...

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On 12/11/2015, 09:44:49, lushlala said:


It just goes to show you that sometimes we're inhibited by our own fear! Based on what you're saying, if I were brave enough, I'd have the confidence to take on languages such as German, Afrikaans and Dutch. Perception can be seriously damaging, because in my head, I've always told myself that that set of languages are among the hardest to learn, so I've never even considered learning them. This is definitely food for thought :)

It really comes down to language families. The closer the languages are the easier they are to understand. I couldn't help noticing that you are a native Tswana speaker so if you had to speak to someone that spoke sesotho it would be much easier for you to understand then someone that spoke French for instance.

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15 hours ago, Lingua Franca said:

It really comes down to language families. The closer the languages are the easier they are to understand. I couldn't help noticing that you are a native Tswana speaker so if you had to speak to someone that spoke sesotho it would be much easier for you to understand then someone that spoke French for instance.

Yes, you're right @Lingua Franca.....people in South Africa can understand us here in Botswana and vice versa, because they have their own of Tswana. Although I wouldn't go so far as to say I speak Sesotho, I can understand it and they too understand some Setswana. I guess this line of thought would also suggest that if I were able to learn say Dutch, I may find it easier to go on to learn German and Afrikaans. Hmmm I wonder which one out of those three would be considered the easiest?

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Likе аny Rоmаntiс lаnguаgе, Frеnсh pоsеs sоmе grаmmаtiсаl diffiсultiеs fоr thе Еnglish spеаkеr, inсluding gеndеrеd nоuns, mаny vеrb fоrms, аnd prоnunсiаtiоn; this lаst оnе bеing pаrtiсulаrly diffiсult fоr its silеnt lеttеrs, vаriеty оf vоwеl sоunds аnd fоrеign sоunds tо thе Еnglish lаnguаgе. Nеvеrthеlеss, Frеnсh is оnе оf thе еаsiеst Lаtin-dеrivеd lаnguаgеs fоr Еnglish nаtivе spеаkеrs tо lеаrn bесаusе оf thе lеxiсаl influеnсе Frеnсh hаd upоn Еnglish during thе Nоrmаn оссupаtiоn. Up tо оnе-third оf tоdаy’s Еnglish hаs bееn influеnсеd by Frеnсh, ассоrding tо linguists.


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