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Posts posted by Efrahinu19

  1. I've heard of that website to but I think it lacks the fundamentals of how a language should be learned. This speed course is likely to attract a lot of attention but not many people are fast learners. Some travel at their own paste and others can zip right through like nothing. Learning a language is a natural experience and for some this might be unnatural, it's a good website but probably not for everyone.

  2. I would say dictionary but that seems like a tedious task. Better yet you should try conversing with people that know the language well and little by little you will pick up on new words. All though I must address that you should try not the learn the slang's of who you're talking to. I will result in misinterpretation and misunderstanding between you and the one whom you are talking to.

  3. They don't call it a romance language for nothing. Actually the term "romance language" has a double meaning. The first is it's sex appeal and the other is that it come from Latin. Latin being a language from Italy and the capital of Italy being Rome. Rome and Romance are one in the same.

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