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Posts posted by xxsaumitraxx

  1. So far I've only been truly successful with English.

    I thought it would take 3-4 years. 12 years past and I'm still so far from perfection...

    Every time I start learning, I imagine it will be quick and easy. It never is.

    same here bro, I'm still learning English for my TOEFL exam and the more I think I'm close to perfection, the more I feel deceived. But still, I cannot lose hope and give up, I am working hard to learn it and I never thought that It'd be easy. So, let's see how much time will I take to completely prepare for the exam  :punk:

  2. My technique is called "repetition". Sometimes I think I do it until my heard starts to ache. Despite this, I know it works well. I also find that if I can get a tape/CD/recording with the words to repeat the words to me, then I will be able to catch on very well.  :grin:

    hehe, well it's the best technique till date  :wink::tongue: I myself learn words in batches and repeat them, I then move on to the next batch and then come back to the previous batch to see if I still remember the words or not. Practice makes a man perfect, so I practice until I learn the word  :devil:

  3. I'm also thinking to take TOEFL this month. The main differences between TOEFL and IELTS are-

    -IELTS uses different accents (British accent,Australian accent) in the understanding section, where you have to listen to a conversation.

    On the other hand TOEFL only uses US accent.

    So you should take TOEFL if you watch a lot of hollywood movies(like me) and listen to English songs.

    -The other main difference is the speaking part.

    In IELTS you will be interviewed by the examiner face-to-face. And they ask questions like "What do you like to have as a birthday present" and similar questions like that.

    In TOEFL you have to speak in the mic and have to record your speech after the beep. They generally give academic topics like "Asexual reproduction in Bees" and topics like that.

    So, I guess I made the differences pretty clear. Don't know about you but I'm going to take TOEFL :P

    Best of luck for your exam ;)

  4. Read as much books as you can, this is the best and easiest method. Although, I used a different approach for me. I watch a lot of Hollywood movies and TV series, so what I do is I download English subtitles and read them while watching the movies/series. It's like a challenge, where I think am I going to read it before the subtitle changes or the next sentence is going to be shown. So, this is how I increased my reading speed. You can try it too ;)

  5. Well, getting stressful is not my style :P I don't get nervous during exams. I'm always cool, don't think much about the exam because if you think what's going to happen next then you might get freaked. My parents are always worried about me, they say "He has no effect of exams on him. What is he going to do? He didn't prepare for the exam" , and all that but I never worry ;)

  6. In our country we are taught British English from the beginning, but we have a different accent here than British accent. I don't like British accent very much, kind of hard for me to understand it. I prefer American accent more because it's quite easy to understand than British accent, plus I watch a lot of Hollywood movies so I'm pretty good at understanding American accent ;)

  7. Yes, In my country we have all the coursework in English. The medium of teaching is our mother tongue but that too is changing with time, more and more people are attracted to schools where the medium of teaching is English. Well, learning English is very important as it helps you to communicate with the rest of the world, but you should not forget about your mother tongue. You should respect it , and at least learn it.

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