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Posts posted by broknkyboard

  1. Dialects are different forms of the original language. In some cases (such as Algeria in North Africa) the dialect combines two different languages. The Algerian dialect combines French (a result of several years of French occupation) and Arabic. I'm pretty sure only Algerians understand other Algerians.

  2. I was watching an interview (English audio, Arabic interpreter) once and I noticed the interpreter was getting quite a few things wrong, I thought it was funny until about halfway through when things got really messed up and I realized the interpreter was messing up things on purpose (it was an infamous political figure speaking). It ended up on the news the next day and the people who messed up the interview lost a lot of credibility, it was a really stupid move and I have no idea why they thought they could pull it off, I mean we have basic English as part of our public education system.

  3. Well in terms of amount of speakers it goes:




    However many people believe that Mandarin should not be considered one of the top 3 since it's mainly spoken by the natives of only one country (China), and that country usually teaches other languages as part of their regular educational curriculum. With that in mind the top 3 should be:



    -Arabic (the native language of several middle eastern countries)

  4. Pros for one universal language:

    Better communication, job opportunities in different countries, ease-of-access for the scientific comunity, and easier international trading.

    Cons for one universal language:

    Decline in diversity of thinking, death of thousands of great expressions and mannerisms that relate to specific languages, and basically losing most of our touch with our cultures and older traditions/heritage.

    Also, if I were to pick a universal language it would be a variant of English properly adjusted to make more sense and include more vocabulary and meanings.

    Something like this could probably never be implemented properly, and the language chosen would be ruined and grafted to bits by all the joining countries trying to adjust to it.

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