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Posts posted by angelicagapit

  1. I love The Shack by William Young. It's about a man who is seeking for his missing daughter, who is actually rumored to be dead.

    He juggles with his religion because majority of the book is his conversation with God. He expresses his feelings and it got out my emotions as well, making me cry near the end of the book.

  2. Don't make fun of me, but my favorite book series is what most people call a children's series. It's called A Series of Unfortunate Events.

    It's about three children whose parents died and they are then taken in by their "uncle", then eventually they come to realize that he is not really their uncle, he just wants to steal their family fortune by adopting them.

    This 12-book series is called A Series of Unfortunate Events because it shows the adventures these three orphans have as they try to escape their evil and violent "uncle." Miserable and unfortunate things happen to these children, yet what is inspiring is that they happen to hold on to their hopes in order to live a better life. They try to find happiness together as a family and though misery takes over their lives, they still have hope.

  3. I'm one that loves to travel. I've been to the US, Mexico, and Asia. It's nice to experience different cultures, and a good way to fully experience these cultures is to try to be a part of them. You can do that by learning their native tongue and interacting with commoners from that country. You will experience things in a whole new light if you know they're language. Also, it's a plus to know more languages because it's easier to get around and to explain things to people from that country. You can also get a job as a translator for some extra cash.

  4. One technique you could do is to try watching German films with English subtitles. You could learn how they pronounce words, how they emphasize syllables and you can learn a few words with the help of the English subtitles. A plus is that foreign indie films are always very interesting.

    I suggest watching a film called Goodbye Lenin. It's a great German film.

  5. I have this problem daily. I currently live in the Philippines, but I was born and raised in California, so my native tongue is English and I only know intermediate Filipino. The thing is, I have a job here in the Philippines and I deal with Filipino customers from all social classes, and some of the lower classes don't speak so well in English. So I have a hard time trying to explain to them in Filipino because I end up stuttering and eventually we don't understand each other. It's embarrassing and at the same time, funny on both our sides.

  6. The hardest for me is definitely speaking. Your speaking ability can say alot about you. It can show people if you're confident or not, it conveys that you know what you're talking about.

    Sometimes I stutter and unarrange words when I'm talking fast, so that's a problem.

    Writing, on the other hand is easy for me. I can review what I wrote, I can edit it what I wrote, but when it comes to speaking, I can't take back anything I said.

  7. I prefer studying alone and in a quiet room with good lighting. I don't study so well with others because one of us will tend to get off topic or fool around. I don't listen to music while studying also because I'm a music-lover and I tend to focus deeply on the music, the lyrics and the beats rather than studying.

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