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Posts posted by botmaker

  1. I am sure that you can use these words/sentences right away to your Korean friends ;-)

    I've always taught to my friends about these phrases whenever they ask me "Teach me some Korean!" Because they are simple, relatively easy to remember, and useful in various situations.

    1. 대박!(Dae BaK)

    It literally means "great luck", but you can use this word at any time.

    For example, you can use 대박 when you heard about something unbelievable, whether that's positive or negative.

    (ex)I've passed the exam without effort!-대박!

    I saw him stealing something in a shop yesterday. -대박!

    2. 뭘(moerl)

    Actually, there's no sentence to substitute "You're welcome" in Korean. But in this context, you can use '뭘' instead of 'you're welcome.' It literally means 'nothing', same as 'de rien' in French. When your Korean friend said 'thanks' to you, which happens quite often I guess, you can answer with '뭘'!

    3. 진짜?(Jin jja?)

    It is exactly same with 'Really?' in English. You can show your wonder or impression with this sentence, besides when you really want to ask something :-)

    (ex)Chaewon, I think I can borrow my car to you for this weekend. - 진짜?????(which implies that I'm so happy that I cannot believe your kind friendly offer!)

    Doesn't 대박!(Dae BaK) literally means "great luck" but it is used as "Wow"

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