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Posts posted by tikilalalove

  1. I'm a fast reader, but sometimes, when I read too fast, I need to re-read the passage or an entire paragraph because I didn't understand what I have read because there's something else in my mind. Haha! So I will slow down reading, then take down new unfamiliar words and look on the dictionary or thesaurus for meanings.

  2. I grew up here in the Philippines and I feel awkward whenever I'm speaking in English with a different accent. For them, if you speaks English, you grew up from a rich family. They would laugh because you were different, but I don't think that's discrimination since Filipinos are already used in people who speaks English here in the Philippines.

  3. Grammar Nazi's? I find them annoying when they're correcting other person in front of many people. For example, when someone posts a status update on Social media and had a wrong grammar, Nazi's will add stupid comments on it, and then everyone in the word will notice. If you really want to correct them, you can message them personally.

  4. I'm really bothered when someone uses shortcuts. Every time I'm creating a text messages, I fully write the words I wanted to say, the capitalization is perfect, and the punctuations are correct. Formality in writing is a big issue for me, because we're using it in the real world. School, work, etc.

  5. The other languages sounds better than mine. I'm a Filipino, and I speak Tagalog words. But I love speaking English words either in written or oral because it sounds good and sounds classy. I also wanted to learn Japanese and Chinese because their language sounds unique.

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