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Posts posted by gmckee1985

  1. I'd definitely recommend learning another language if it's something that you have a genuine interest in. If it's something you're doing just to make more money, you're probably not going to take it as seriously as you need to in order to be effective at speaking and understanding the language. If you're generally interested, companies are definitely interested in hiring folks who can communicate in languages other than English. We live in a global economy, so that's one skill that's in high demand these days. It'll definitely give you a leg up and help you boost your income over your peers.

  2. Yes, I would recommend learning English through songs. Let's face it learning a new language can be pretty arduous and boring,so anything to make it more fun is a bonus. Most people love music so it can really spark more of an interest in what you're learning, from my experience. It's a lot better than just reading words on a page and memorizing them. Music just makes the whole process more fun. It may not be for everybody, as most folks learn in different ways, but I think it'd be effective for a lot of people.

  3. Yes, even if languages are similar, they count as different languages in my view. There are a lot of similarities between many different languages, but the accents, variations, spelling, etc make every single one different. So yes, even the languages that are really similar do count as seperate languages because there are many nuances and intricacies that make them unique and different from one another.

  4. I would tend to agree that listening to people speak the language you are trying to learn is the best way to learn it. Or among the very best ways at the very least. It's just a completely different and realer experience than looking at words on a page, or watching a reenactment video or demonstration. Listening to a real conversation is a lot more expressive and gives you a more genuine representation of how expressive and emotional people can be when speaking a certain language. Conversations aren't typically as dry or boring as they are in most learning videos. A real conversation gives you an idea of how people actually talk. It's much more valuable. 

  5. Personally other than English, I think Spanish is the most fun language. I just love the way a lot of words roll off your tongue and how expressive the language is. If I had to suggest a language for you to learn though it would be Mandarin. I've heard it's very challenging yet very fun as well. Since you already know Spanish, Mandarin would be next on my list for you to learn. I've learned a couple of words but am interested in diving deeper into the language at some point. 

  6. I consider myself bilingual, as I am fluent in English, and becoming fluent in Spanish. I don't know enough Spanish to consider myself an expert by any means, but I'm working on that. I also speak a bit of French and German, but not nearly enough to say that I'm well versed in either language, or to consider myself multilingual. Hopefully I'll continue learning more and more of these languages so I can be one day, though.

  7. I think it all comes down to how you learm best. Some people are visually learners, others are better when they learn hands on. Its also the case that some folks learn better on their own while others do better when they have a professional teaching them. Personally I can learn either way. But I do enjoy the slower pace that learning on your own at home allows.

  8. Yes, I do find myself mimicing the accent of the language I am speaking or attempting to speak. I think it's a normal reaction. I think it's something we do unconsciously to relate better to the people we are communicating with. I'm sure foreigners attempt to do it when they come to America. You want to do everything you can do to fit in. I think that's why all human beings do it.

  9. I'm actually a pretty fast reader. I do a good job picking up on what I'm reading very quickly regardless of whether or not it's in Spanish or English. I've become very good at reading spanish. Not quite as good on the verbal side but am working on it on a daily basis. Been practicing having normal conversations with friends and family. They've been good sports about it and have generally played along. Though they don't really have in depth knowledge of Spanish either. But back to my main point, I learned to comprehend spanish pretty early on. It's the other parts that I find more difficult.

  10. It can all be a bit difficult at times. I'm not as good as I want to be yet. The easiest form of communication for me is writing as well. It's just easier to understand the information. Most difficult is having a full blown conversation. Sometimes my brain doesn't pick up on what the person I am talking with is saying quite quick enough. It takes me a moment to process the information and respond. So there are some awkward lulls in the conversation. I'm working on getting better at it though. I think it's the hardest part for most people.

  11. Obviously you need to work hard and study the language extensively. Reading books would be my #1 tip. That obviously helps you pick up the language fastest. You need to shut out all distractions. In addition to that, you can always learn by watching movies, television shows, listening to audio tapes is one of the better ways to learn as well. That way you are actively engaged in learning the language instead of just reading some words on a page.

  12. Yes, I believe so. I've been practicing the basics quite a bit. I want to be able to say the basic things you need to be able to say in order to survive in a foreign country. I also want to be able to have natural conversations with the locals. I want to have a wide vocabulary so I don't have to rely on canned phrases, so to speak.

  13. One thing about being an American I've noticed when I've traveled to other countries is how helpful people tend to be towards Americans. You hear so much on the news about how America's image in the world is bad, but I just haven't seen that in my face to face interactions. I think the friendliness that foreigners have towards us makes a bit lazy when it comes to learning more about other countries and especially other languages. We think people will help us anyway.

  14. Like anything, the more you use it the better you become at it. I think it's a very useful app, but you need to stay dedicated to learning on a daily basis. It's not something you can just kind of half heartedly use. So if you stick with it, I think Memrise can be a very useful tool in coming closer to mastering your new language in as quick a time as possible. As with anything, hard work is the key.

  15. I remember in high school our teacher used to play some Spanish music to help us learn the language. Nobody would take it seriously though. People would laugh more than they would sing. I think that's more of a product of immaturity though. I don't know that it helped us pick up the language back then because most kids didn't take it seriously.

  16. What are some good Spanish movies to check out? I am unfamiliar with just about every Spanish actor and actress. I imagine it would be a pretty challenging way to pick up a language, but since I know most of the language I think it would be a good test for me. To see if I could follow what's going on in the movie.

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