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Posts posted by FlagOnce

  1. I'm not sure if it's considered "literature" but I do like some of the modern French writers: Beigbeder, Gavalda, Werber, Lévy and Schmitt.

    I think it's part of literature since they write books. If we start to discriminate books depending of what's written inside, I think the debate would be endless and even not fair. After all, it's not a qualitative adjective, literature.

    By the way, would have been easier to find these authors with their First Names, but then.

    At least I'm happy you know and read few French books that are not old, because sometimes I feel like only old ones exists to learners' eyes. How did you taken the step of reading these books and how did you found these authors? 

  2. "fire-fueled haze" isn't an idiom; you can figure it out by understanding each word individually. And in theory it could have figurative meanings too, so it's alway good to give a lot of context, but I'll tell you what it most likely means.

    In Thailand farmers often set huge fires in the countryside to quickly and easily clear land for future cultivation. The smoke from the fires makes the air hazy for miles around. This is a form of pollution, and causes health problems in humans. It can also cause health problems for livestock, and could negatively impact other agriculture. The fire is what creates and sustains, or "fuels", the haze, so you can call it "fire-fueled haze".

    This is a kind of idiom since it is a very specific (but it's the way it should be written) way to write the meaning of what you said. It could have been written other ways, and fuel made me think at a first glance that fuel powered the fire and got me confused. After, this isn't only traditional to East Asia, I already saw this in the past from local farmers, so maybe it is more widespread at that location, but I think it happens a bit everywhere, or in a lot of places at least.

    Doesn't look so good, the phenomena, after.

  3. Words borrowed from other languages. Always the same result: they may end up to have not much to do with the original meaning in the language, and that's what's happening with tuning and tuner.

    Firstly, you may be surprised but tuner isn't the same thing as tuning sometimes, but sometimes is. But let's first explain what's tuning.
    Tuning is when you enhance the car yourself to make a lot of noise, to make it look like a sports' car while you own a break, all that things to "enhance" supposedly the cars with gadgets anyone can see and hear, because if people doesn't see the change, it doesn't matters. Tuner, however, is more used for radios, because you have to "tune" to find the right frequency to hear.

  4. That's basically what edx courses do. In the one I'm taking, I watch a video the teacher made (which comes with notes and subtitles), and do homework. The homework is automatically corrected, but she will give personal feedback for anything above and beyond the auto-corrected stuff, for example, if you decide to submit a short essay. There is a midterm and a final too. I think this system works fairly well, but I'm not sure if it's as good as a "normal" class.


    Why would it certainly take longer than in normal class? I mean, in normal class, what happens is that you can get slices of time with your teacher when you ask questions, but outside of that you don't have many communication: you just hear what the teacher says. And between watching a video, reading his teaching book or having in front of your, the difference for learning isn't sharp.

    I think it would take longer but may be worth it.  It gives you time to absorb what you are learning before moving on.  It also allows the teacher to correct with feeling rushed, therefore reducing mistakes.

    The basis of current teaching is to learn a block, then another block, bundle them together to talk about a third block. If you don't understand the first or the second block, it's just a big problem and that's when it's too much linear, after all.

  5. I'm not sure I know the reason for starting to learn French. Somehow I always knew I would - my mum says that when I was very little, when people asked me what I'd do when I grow up, I replied "I'll learn to speak French!". I got down to it when I was 14 and I've been in love with this language ever since. There are so many exciting things about France and its culture - and I was able to discover it all only when I started to learn French.

    I guess some things you cannot really explain. Just as it was with my first visit to Poland: when I came here fist, I knew it was the right place for me to be, even though I hadn't met my partner back then.

    That's a nice story, but a story I have hard time to understand logically: how can you like French that young? But it's still a nice story and it feels like you're pretty lucky with how it happened. That's the good thing here: you did what you wanted and you feel happy to have done that. So that wasn't a bad choice and that's what matters.

    The reason I learn french is because of school requirements. I come from Lebanon where the only extra language you'd learn is French, not Spanish. Thus I took it back there. When I moved abroad, I was still required to take a second language and thus I stuck to my original choice. I like learning the language but I probably won't have much use of it though.

    Just a question: why would you want to rather learn Spanish rather than French? I don't have nothing against it but the fact you quote this one makes me wonder if it means anything or not. Especially since your profile says you still not try to learn Spanish.

  6. I think blogs are good, but I will try to explain also the technical reasons of why it is good, because learning a language isn't a random thing, a little strategy can help to yield better results.
    First, blogs tend to have a language close to the familiar, or at least it will use the everyday language. It means that it will help your conversational skills and it would be less complex than to start straight away with literature, which tends to have a formal language. Remember, babies have hard time to read Victor Hugo ;)

    As well, there's many more blogs than books and you don't buy blogs, so you can just look, see if you like or not, while there's good books you will maybe buy but be unable to understand. Too bad.

  7. Yeah, if you put it that way, I agree. Many jokes are based on local culture, which a person from another culture would not understand. The best you can do, in such cases, is trying to explain the other person, why said joke is funny in the first place, which kills the joke by default. :D

    Or not doing these jokes. You know, I don't find much it is a problem to have difficulties in a language, and for example, the fact I can't write books in a language I'm not fluent in is not a problem for me, you know. It's something you have to achieve by learning the language, it's a kind of reward.

    But the fact a language problem (and a culture problem, also) hinders my personality is something I don't like. It's like I don't look the same just because I'm writing it in another language. That doesn't feel fair in my opinion and honestly, I wonder what are the real solutions against that.

  8. Okay, that's not a clear name, but let me describe the idea and you'll get it right straight away. I hope.
    When we think about a teacher interaction, it's either you read a book with exercises and you're doing it basically alone, or someone is correcting you but is not making the book or writing it, they just give comments to help you, or it's a teacher speaking and trying to make you learn things by hearing what he's saying, in real time.
    But what about another approach: you read a first chapter of a book the teacher made. You answer exercises, send back to the teacher, but this time, he will write few paragraphs of notes about weaknesses, what should be corrected, he would explains concept to help you, and let continue his "book" but with that in mind.

    That would allow training with a teacher without especially being tied to it at fixed hours. What do you think?

  9. When we talk about French literature, the most widely known comes from the "Siècle des Lumières", like Voltaire. But there's many books in French, and not only those that came from that period of time. And this is where I want to go: did you ever tried to get into the French contemporary literature?

    After all, maybe there's good books to read today and you know nice French writers. Or maybe you don't and you have an area to discover. If you didn't tried to get into it, then, why didn't you? What prevented you to have interest on it? After all, reading a book you like may help your learning.

  10. You could try translating the joke that you want to say, the best you can. Thing about jokes is, usually the setting or the situation is what is fun about them. And those things can be easily translated into another language.

    Yes, situational jokes can be translated in another language, to the extent they rely on the short-term context. But many of the jokes are as well related to the culture (popular TV shows, actors, imitations, songs, movies) and to word jokes, where they sometimes doesn't translate at all, or where you don't know how to make another word joke in your target language. You have to be better than fluent to make word jokes, and you have to know about external culture of other countries to make jokes based on culture. And often, you rely on culture/word jokes as a start to after use situational jokes when you talked more with a person.

  11. L'âge d'une personne est important, mais ce qui bien plus important pour moi, c'est son caractère et ses intérêts. De temps en temps on peut rencontrer quelqu'un qui est beaucoup plus vieux ou plus jeune mais s'il a les mêmes hobbies que moi, l'âge n'a plus d'importance.

    Ce qui m'embête un petit peu, c'est que certains gens utilise leur âge comme excuse pour ne pas changer les choses dans leur vie. "Je ne peux pas pas apprendre cela, je suis bien trop vieille pour ça", "Tu sais, à mon âge, c'est vraiment inapproprié de faire ça", "Moi, je suis bien trop vieux pour essayer de nouveau" etc etc. Mais ce qui encore pire, il y a les gens qui se sont des juges autoproclamé de toutes les personnes qui, selon eux, ne se comportent pas selon leurs âge. Comme si étudier à l'université était réservé une fois pour toutes aux jeunes, et tricoter était selon pour les grand-mères. Je ne supporte pas cette sorte de préjugés.

    Really, good work, well-written and I must say I'm impressed. There's only one problematic sentence:
    First, it is "Mais ce qui est encore pire", you missed the "est".
    Then, it is "ce sont les gens qui s'autoproclament juges de toutes les personnes" (ce sont is more appropriate because you say before "ce qui est encore pire").
    After "Comme si étudier à l'université était réservé une fois pour toutes aux jeunes" is unclear for a French native speaker. We would prefer "Comme si étudier à l'université était réservé aux jeunes et qu'après c'est fini" (Like if studying at University is reserved to young people, and after, it's over).

    Finally, "et tricoter était selon pour les grand-mères" is not "correct" in French, it could be translated in "et le tricot ça serait uniquement pour les grand-mères".

  12. Okay, it's more a little challenge than something I hardly need since I succeeded to understand the meaning. But, understand the meaning and being able to express it is your own language, or to explain it, is not the same thing. That's why, for those who wants to do the challenge, I would ask you two things:
    1. Try to find the appropriate meaning. I'll provide the idiom that bugs me below.
    2. Translate it in all languages you're fluent in. And try, if you want, in languages where you learn. As you want.

    So, the idiom is the "fire-fueled haze" that affects a country. It affects a country because it cause problems to the agriculture.

  13. French is a language that gets often new words. Some of these words just feel like absurd (and are often unused outside of administrations, hopefully), but others are just as usable as old words. But there's some rules affected with them.

    These new words often enters in the dictionary when dictionaries publishers sell the new dictionary's edition, but some of the words also involve intervention from some official organization, like "l'Académie Française", in charge of the French language in general.

    Few rules, for example:
    When new words are really created, even if it is a composite or a merge of two other words, the dash should be omitted. As well, you shouldn't put a dot in the end because if you do that, it is not a new word but only an abbreviation.

  14. J'aime manger, aussi. Je crois que la nourriture goûtait bien, et était bien pour votre corps. Personellement, je suis végétalienne, parce que je ne crois pas dans prendrant des animaux, et cette mode de vie est la plus miex pour mon estomac. J'aime cuisinier les sautés avec de tofu et des legumes, et beaucoup d'autres recettes.  

    Okay so that's not bad, but some parts are really obscure here (meaning I'm not sure what you mean).

    "Je crois que la nourriture goûtait bien" would be rather told as "Je crois que la nourriture était bonne" (and I would ask to you: why you only "believe" it was good? You tasted it in the 90's?)
    "et était bien pour votre corps". Okay. So, it would be rather written as "et c'était bon pour ma santé", or, even, "et c'était de la nourriture saine" (and it was healthy food). "Votre"/"vous" doesn't apply here: I didn't ate this food, you did, so it was good for your body, not mine.

    "parce que je ne crois pas dans prendrant des animaux" needs explanation to get understood and to reword it.
    "cette mode de vie" is rather "ce mode de vie".
    "plus mieux" is a incorrect idiom in French, we use "meilleur" instead.

  15. Imagine you're someone who likes to do a lot of jokes or to make people laugh because you just feel fun. The thing is, you probably learnt how to do it in your native language, but when comes another language, there's a lot of jokes that are no longer applicable, either for cultural reasons, or because words are different if you are doing word jokes.

    So you're like limited. You can't express your personality and that feels sad because additionally with your difficulty to speak and express yourself, parts of your personality are just hidden without you in the ability to do much. So, how to handle that issue?

  16. Some talks often here about the usage of English words in other language. But a look on the English vocabulary the other languages are using is, in fact, pretty interesting. Because that's nothing related to the commonly used English words. It's just another set, "chosen" by the other languages naturally. Weird, no?

    Not so much, but for example, if technology words are often taken straight away from English, French people wouldn't know what means "in time" (à temps, in French), but would probably understand "time out" (temps écoulé). In the same way, "hot" is often used in French (generally with a sexual connotation, careful), but if you say cool is cold, it is less known.

    A weird phenomenon, uh?

  17. That actually is important in terms of learning the language. Learn idioms and phrases in groups and categories. For example, use terms and phrases you'd use in various areas and sessions. For example, restaurants, airports, school, etc. A good way to learn these things is watch family movies in your target language. They won't be as childish but would be simple enough as they are meant for children and adults alike.

    Not so bad advice, thanks for your input. That's why I'm talking about these idioms: it's like a shortcut to get your understood straight away and no longer be in position of the "foreign speaker that have to explain everything". In my opinion, however, people should take time to understand you even if it's not straight. I give it more as an help for taking shortcuts, taking less time and learning more the language, than as a endorsement of some of the bad behavior where, just because you don't use the right word, people are arrogant or pedantic. I'm and was always against that.

  18. To help you if it ever happens that you enter in a restaurant, I will try to familiarize you with some of the common idioms you use when you go to a restaurant, that means nothing in English but means something here.
    Firstly, when you go into a restaurant and want to order, in French, it's "passer commande". So, for example, you can talk to the waitress and say "Monsieur, je voudrais passer commande", once you chosen what you wanted to order.

    If you don't know what to order, you would like to get the "menu". A "menu" is a paper where all dishes sold from this restaurant is shown.
    Okay, you start to eat, but now, what about the meat? How cooked should it be? There's bleue (almost not cooked, rare), saignant (medium), à point (well done).
    Finally, you want to pay? You should ask for the "addition". The "addition" is the term you use when you talk about the restaurant's bill you will have to pay.

    PS: "Renvoyer un plat" (when you send back a dish to the cuisine because it is not good enough/...) is rarely done in France, compared to U.S.

  19. I personally like the idea of the baby books, and then graduating up from there.  One should always start with basics, either colors or names of objects.  Think of it as how you would teach a child.

    After that, I would help them with figuring out the masculine and feminine words.  I love using Duolingo, but that is my personal preference.

    As said, the problem is catching attention with that. You have more likeliness to catch attention with a domain or something interesting the person (and in the end, it means it is more likely that the person will learn the language and continue to keep up the work), than with babies book. I like the idea as you, but when I try to test it a bit in mind, this is the first concern coming around.

    After all, how many times in life you want to talk about colors? Are we sure that's the first sentence we want to learn? There's perhaps something more practical to know.

  20. I made a post about a weird teaching method I thought of. Basically, divide the learning process into stages. You start at the basic stage where you know nothing. Therefor, you can bring him baby books and just translate them to him, make him read the sentences even if he doesn't understand, and soon enough he will learn. Afterwards, you can give him slightly harder books and ask him to write about various topics which you can come up with. He's allowed to use a dictionary and therefor, you're really just pointing him towards his goal, he's really doing the work. 

    Don't give up on teaching him, because not only will it help him, it will help you as well. By teaching others, you further your understanding of the language and you will find the answers to questions you might of previously had about the question in hand.

    I often find that learning once again dark parts is a good thing so you're right, it could help myself for my language but also for my teaching skills. The little problem is how to catch attention of the person you try to teach with a baby book. Okay, it feels more obvious to identify a cat and do the translation than when it's a baby, because you can't communicate a lot to the baby to be sure he understood or not, but at the same time, this attention affair may be important as well.

    Otherwise, it's a bit weird, yes but I find it interesting.

  21. I have a few reasons for learning french. One is that I find the language completely captivating and beautiful. It sounds so beautiful when spoken. To me it sounds like poetry. Another reason is that many of my older family members are all fluent in French. My great aunts and my grandparents would all be thrilled if I learned and it will help me feel conected to my heritage. 

    I think that's a good reason to learn French if it can help to connect to your grandparents and so on. Maybe you would discover thing. But also, it's not critical so it eases up the pressure you may have.

    Right now I am learning French because my boyfriend and I want to vacation in France. We also want to visit Canada and dine in parts of the French Canadian areas so we would like to be able to order in French. I think it is fun to learn a new language and it helps with your brain development. 

    It's simple, but fully relevant. Out of the ~70,000,000 of French native speakers, it wasn't that likely that your boyfriend was one of them, but it happens that yes. Wonder if you find that a luck or rather something to overcome :P

    I'm Canadian and our second official language is French. This means that whenever you are applying for any kind of job involving interacting with people, having both French and English will put you ahead of other applicants who only have one language or the other. Some jobs, especially government positions or positions in more bilingual cities such as Ottawa, actually require you to have at least basic skills in both languages. I currently work in a customer service position in a smaller city a couple hours away from Ottawa and we have French speakers come through all the time. I would love to be able to get confident enough in my abilities to speak to them properly! 

    I also have some friends who go to party in Montreal occasionally, which is also just a few hours away by train from where I live. I've heard that Montreal has a lot of English speakers for a city in Quebec, but I'd also like to be confident enough not to worry about finding someone who speaks English when I eventually go with them for a visit! The nightlife is supposed to be pretty excellent...

    I guess more broadly I feel like learning new languages generally is a great way to broaden your access to communicating with different people and enjoying different cultural works than you would have access to otherwise. So another reason why I'd like to get a better understanding of French is because I enjoy French media, like music and movies and books, and would love to get to a place where I can enjoy those things without constantly needing to check google translate. :)

    I also thinks languages are like the borders: if you can cross them, you are suddenly more free to do new things, to discover something else than you know actually. And Canada is in a weird bilingual nature that make French learning relevant. But is it really relevant, or just kept culturally?

    I am American and lived in the states for most of my life, but two years ago I married a Canadian and moved to British Columbia. It's nowhere near the French-speaking mecca of Quebec, but it's on the streets enough to pique my interest. There is also the novelty of every product label being in both English and French (being American, I am more used to seeing Spanish on labels). 

    I have been juggling the idea of seriously taking up French since moving, but haven't fully committed yet. I have learned some words and phrases and picked up on things from the aforementioned labels (that immersion aspect is admittedly pretty great). Sometimes I wish I could teleport to Montreal for a few days , to experience complete immersion and see if its something I want to pursue - after learning my first foreign language, I realized seriously committing to a language isn't something I take lightly.

    The other reason I am curious about French is the music - the music can be so beautiful! For some reason, I especially love rap in French! The flow of the language works so well in it. 

    But you're still married with her or him? Because if it is no longer the case, maybe you slow down the learning because it makes you remember your marriage. Who knows.

  22. If, inside a text, you see some notes from the editor or from the translator to explains a concept, or something, do you find the text looking more like professional, or less professional-looking?
    The thing is translated text should always look as natural as possible, to the extent it doesn't affect the meaning of what you translate. That's, in my opinion, the limit. And when you hit words or cultural differences, you are tempted to do many things at an hard to fix problem.

    A way to go is the notes I'm talking about. The problem is that they usage may look like amateurism because you should succeed without that "weapon".

  23. It's something you would have to look for a bit if you want to live in France: the legal language. Obviously, to understand and master that language, you should already be fluent in the conversational vocabularies. As well, being expert in literary language wouldn't help you as much as you think, because meanwhile it brings you general vocabulary about French, it doesn't give you the specialties of the legal language. It's, after all, the only kind of vocabulary where you have to be fully comprehensive, and for that, you need to use overly precise words you would never hear outside of that. There's also a style, that's sometimes not needed but there. 

  24. In that respect, why would it be different than spoken languages? Anyway, there is an international sign language, but it's not nearly as rich as local versions.

    Because it's as stupid as saying "Morse code should be localized, and that's great to see American Morse Code vs. International Morse Code". Culture of people are not in the language, but into the art they make, into what they do everyday, and into what they are. Deaf people have enough problem of communications, and having more sign languages just split the community of deaf people who already feels alone.

    It seems like it would be the easiest option, but think about it. There are some words in some languages that just do not translate into other languages in spoken language. I assume it would be the same for an international sign language. 


    ex: kummerspek-German

    excess weight gained from emotional overeating; literally grief bacon.


    We have no word at all for this. To even define it we needed 9. Check out this link for more examples if you'd like. Hope this helps explain a reason!


    We have no word because we don't want to. If we really need a word for something, we don't care and create a new word/sign, and that happens everyday. That's the difference between a living language, and a language you will never hear.

    I do not want to sound prejudice but despite that, I might sound that way, so apologies in advance. Why would a mute need that wide vocabulary? In the case where you are travelling abroad, wouldn't you have someone with you to help you around who could do most of the talking for you. My point is, you wouldn't need that wide vocabulary in general so I don't see much of a reason in having a variety of sign language, other than the cultural background.

    Don't apologize, it doesn't sound that bad. I always think communication is the most important matter and honestly, I'm shocked to see that "splitting" people is that important.

  25. Actually, I like that about French. Yes, some say it's ridiculous and unnecessary but I don't agree. English is everywhere now. There are more and more words and expressions coming in from English that actually have their native equivalents but people prefer to use English ones. I think that's very sad. English is great but so are other languages, and if French speakers try to protect their language from too much of a good thing that is English, then I can only take off my hat and bow.

    I even admire the fact that some French people know English but refuse to speak it :) Arrogant? Yes, very much, and also annoying. But for as long as you can afford that arrogance, it forces your business partners to learn French or to hire people who speak it. Thus helping promote the language. So not such a bad thing after all.

    The fact you are favored is enough, you don't need to restrict. Putting you in a bubble when you're doing business is always an error, because markets and businesses only works so great because there's many exchanges, and exchanges are mainly bound by cost, laws, languages and location.

    About the word, I think when it's the reverse, we're all happy to see all these French words in other languages especially when it comes to cuisine. Are we seeing English people being arrogant and refusing to use "Béchamel", just because it is French? No. It is the loss of English? No, we all agree on that. So, what's that thing?

    It just shows a real trend: when it comes to technology, United States are in a great position and imposed the English language in that expanding domain, that's all. That's why we see more English than usual in other languages.

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