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Everything posted by Mameha

  1. It happens that i listen to something that i don't understand immediately or after a few hours, but listening to it the day after i can understand what the audio says, im like "ahhh, i understand this word only now!", it's kinda funny and satisfying when this happens! So listening to an audio on youtube, etc really helps a lot. Obviously movies and song help a lot, my liceal english teacher always recommend it.
  2. Quest'anno come al solito passerò il Natale con la mia famiglia! Per la Vigilia prepareremo qualche ricetta di pesce come le lasagne con il salmone o la pasta al forno! (veramente buoni entrambi, infatti siamo indecisi :D) e ovviamente apriremo i regali! A Capodanno credo che organizzerò qualcosa con il mio ragazzo e gli amici. E tu cosa preparerai di buono per Natale? Buon fine settimana!
  3. These nicknames are so cute! Here everyone use personal nicknames to call friends or others when they wants, there aren't generic nicknames, just abbreviations or something like this
  4. Con "Sin" intendevi "Senza"? Perchè "Sin" è "senza" in spagnolo Comuque capisco perfettamente la sensazione! Anche io sono irregolare nello studio! Cerco di fare il piu possibile, cerco di fare almeno 30 minuti al giorno o 1 ora quando ho piu tempo! Comunque sei veramente brava! E' difficile studiare molte lingue contemporaneamente Buonasera a te!
  5. @anna3101 Prego! I'm so glad this helped you! it took time but i was happy to know that this maybe would help someone, so i did this with pleasure And don't worry, it takes time to learn a language, and you are doing great learning more that one! Thank you for appreciate what i did anyway
  6. Yeah i know how they pronounce it, but it's a bit difficult to repeat that sound because i'm not used to talk like that
  7. @bmcleod19 You're welcome! @Richard.H Since when i'm studing Korean i have to admit that the pronunciation of some words is really hard, because is way different from western languages! But i think that the the R in "Sarang" is more like an R than like an L, it's just less marked. Correct me if i'm wrong
  8. Hello everyone! Sometimes when i see someone learning my language i notice that there are some gramatical and pronunciation errors that are very often repeated, so i wanted to group them in this topic because i think that it can be helpful to the people who are learning Italian. About grammar: -Above all Native english speakers tends often to translate literally from their language to italian, a result of this is the case of the use of "Chi" (who) instead of "Che" (that) in affermative phrases. For example, a phrase "Someone who is waiting" is ofted translated with "Qualcuno CHI sta aspettando", but the correct translation for this is "Qualcuno CHE sta aspettando", this because in Italian "Che" introduces the direct object. In fact in reality "Che" is generic, but if you want to be more formal and precise you can say "Qualcuno IL QUALE sta aspettando" (Male) or "QualcunA LA QUALE sta aspettando" (female). Both ways can replace "Che" and are translations for "Who" in this case. -Another common error is the non-use of the articles. An exemple of their omission is the case of the direct object, that requires the use of the article necessarly. For translating "I ate an apple" you have to say "Ho mangiato LA mela" and not "Ho mangiato mela". Peole tends to omit the article even when there are Possessive adjectives. For "I met your friend yesterday" you have to say "Ho incontrato IL tuo amico ieri" e NON "Ho incontrato tuo amico ieri" -Connected to this often foreigners don't distinguish male/female or singolar/plural articles. About this, you have to make sure you accord articles with adjectives and names.For example you can't say "UnA piccolA gatto", you have to say "Un piccolO gattO" (a little male cat). I think you will be more accurate with the time -There is another error about the adjective "Bello/Belli" (beautiful) and the demonstrative adjective "Quello/quelli" (That/those). When we use these words before male nouns, they become "Bel" (singular); "Bei" (plural) and "Quel" (singular); "Quei" (plural). To translate "A beautiful book/some beautiful nooks" you DON'T say "Un bello libro/dei belli libri" but "Un bel libro/Dei bei libri", and to translate "That dog/those dogs" you DON'T say "Quello cane/quelli cani", instead you say "Quel cane/Quei cani". About pronunciation: - The most common pronunciation error that foreign people commit is about the double consonats. In reality reading italian isn't that hard, because words are writtend and pronounced in the same way (obviously you have only to know the alphabet). People tend to pronounce verbs like "Andare" (to go), "Vedere" (to see), "Partire" (to leave for travel) with a double R, but you don't have to mark it so much. At the same time, some tend to pronunciate words with a double consonants with only one, like "Supporre" (to suppose). Here in Italy double and single consonants are important, so make sure that you are pronouncing a word with the right quantity of letters! -A common error that people commonly do is the pronunciation of the letter "i" when they don't have to pronounce it. The most striking example is the word "Scienza" (science), wich is correctly pronounced "Shenza". Actually in Italy there are a lot of doubts about the group of words in "Sce" or "Scie", simply because there isn't a rule on which you have to write a word in the first or the second way, they derive from Latin words, so you just have to remember them. Anyway phonetically the "i" is never pronounced, so the pronunciation for both is exactly the same. Another example is the word "Passeggiata", that is pronounced Passejjata, with the same "Ja" of "Jar" (but double). You have to pay attention of some exeptions like the verb "Sciare" (to ski) that is pronounced "Shiare". To remember every of these rules, words, ect the only way is to learn and remember as much words you can, it just takes a lot of time! Some curiosities... - In south Italy "Scienza" is wrongly pronounced "Shienza", so if you hear this, it's just used in dialect, it's not the rule -Generally people's name don't requires the use of the article, in fact if i have to say "I met Giulia yesterday" i say "Ho incontrato Giulia ieri", but in north Italy people use to say "Ho incontrato LA Giulia ieri". This is not correct, but not even so wrong since it's just a way in which Northern people speak dialectically. I know it's long to read but i hope it really can help. If i notice some other common errors i will update this, and obviously if you have some doubts ask me Have a nice day Mameha
  9. Yes, we don't pronunce a guttural "g", in this case it is near a "L" (so "gl") but there are some exeptions, for exemple if it is in the start of a word it is guttural, for exemple the word "Glicemia" (glycemia), wich is pronounced as in english. Voglio's pronunciation is similar to words like "million" but more marked..you should listen to it
  10. @kurdapia This is why languages are so charming! I opened this topic because i found interesting how people express their affection and feelings in their languages. Some words can have a deep meaning or not, in general this is a delicate topic and i think it's beautiful to see differents culture's habits when it comes to love
  11. This forum is really nice and helpful! This helped me because i found out that there are people all over the world who are learning languages and so have my same passion. It's good too to see people from other countries and their cultures ! I want to travel the world one day in the future, when i can, so it's a start something about you all Another good thing is that here there are a lot of native speaker to talk with and to ask if i have some doubts. And another way this forum helped me is that i'm not so good and fluent with english, so everytime i want to write something but i don't know the translation or the words to use, i google them, so everytime i learn something new. Am i the only one doing this? It is really helpful! And people here are very kind.
  12. Buonasera Anna! Sei molto brava in italiano, complimenti! Da quanto lo studi e in che modo? Il coreano e il cinese sono davvero molto difficili per me! Per ora mi sto concentrando sui Kanji (cinese) e sulla scrittura e lettura dell'Hangoul (coreano), dopo mi concentrerò di piu sulla grammatica Per ora sto guardando alcuni siti e video lezioni. Buon fine settimana a te!
  13. "I like you" is "Mi piaci", but you can even say "Tengo molto a te" that is like "i really care about you" , it is a great demonstration of affection to that person, you are saying that this person is important to you. You can obviously say "ti voglio bene" instead of "Ti amo", both means "i love you" but "Ti voglio bene" is i love you in a friendly way You can even say (always in friendly ways): "Ti voglio davvero bene" that is "I truly love you" "Ti voglio molto/tanto bene" that is "I love you a lot" "Molto" and "Tanto" both means "a lot/much" I hope this was helpful
  14. Actually i didn't think of it....but now that i'm thinking, it may be this! Because now Italian is her main language, i remember than when we went out together she used to speak spanish with one of her friends fluently but maybe in some ways she isn't good at it since when she don't speak Spanish continuosly, i'll ask her this too! Ty for the advice
  15. I really love Japanese names, in fact if i have to choose a name for a videogame or something like this i use to choose a Japanese female name, because they sounds good and they have beautiful meanings ;D Some examples are Ai (Love),Akahana (red flower), Ayaka (colorful flower), Hana (flower), Hanako (Flower's child), Haruka (Distance), Hoshi (Star), Kiyoko (pure child), Kiyomi (pure beauty), Nami (wave), Nana (seven), Sakura (cherry blossom), Sayuri (lily), Shizuka (quiet person), Tomoko (wise child), Tsuki (Moon), Tsukiyama (moon mountain) Yuki (snow), Yuuki (princess) Some male name: Akira (bright), Haru (spring/sun/sunlight), Hideki (beautiful opportunity), Hitoshi (generous), Kazuhiko (harmonious prince), Ken (strong, healty),Kenichi (first healty son), Makoro (sincere, true), Naoki (quit tree), Nobu (faith), Ryuu (dragon's spirit), Satoshi (wise), Shiro (fourth son), Takashi (high), Takeshi (proud, warrior), Toshio (brilliant man)
  16. You actually got it! That's what i meant by doing this topic All types of love, not only the Romantic one. Anyway even if your language isn't the most romantic, it's interesting to know something about less spoken languages, every language has its own charm and i find it beautiful to know about not common languages too @kurdapia Oh, i was waiting for the Filipino one! So it's like Italian, you have a way to say I love you to a partner and a way to say it to other people
  17. @Blaveloper I meant how do i pronounce those 2 in your language, not in Italian, obviously it's better to pronounce something in the native way... Btw the thing about Japanese is really interesting because it's something i was wondering since a long time, i didn't really know the fact that "Aishiteru" is "I'm loving you", so thank you for this
  18. @shadejb wow i didn't know that in Vietnam you are so shy xD but it's nice in some ways @Blaveloper Yep it's a topic for mid February but i think that i wanted to talk about love in general, not only for partners and i think it will last til February Anyway i have a few questions: how do i pronounce the Polish and Dutch ones? And about Japanese... i thought it was "Aishiteru", what is the difference between this and "ai shimasu"? @lushlala when i search on the internet i always find how to say "i love you" in common languages, so it is interesting to know how to say it in your language, wich is less common! I like it
  19. Ciao Anna! Spero di essere stata utile nelle correzioni! Se hai dubbi chiedi pure
  20. I'm sorry if i am not so good at it but how do i pronounce "Obicham"? I mean, the CH is like "Chest" or like a K? Anyway i'm not sure what you mean, it depends on what you want to say to him/her i guess
  21. This may be a simple question, but since we around Christmas (i couldn't wait until Valentine's day!) i think it's good to open an happy topic! How do you say "i love you", or how do you express love in your language? Not only to your lovers, but even your relatives, parents, friends! In Italian "I love you" can be translated in 2 ways: "Ti amo" is the "I love you" that you say generally to your boyfriend/girlfriend, wife/husband but you can say it maybe to your son or daughter too because it is a great expression of love. "Ti voglio bene" is what you say generally to people like friends, parents, relatives or people you love in general. What about you? Let's spread the love!
  22. I didn't see her for a long time because of some problems, but i already asked her, maybe i will try it again later when i will spend with her more time! Anyway obviously i use others things to study a language, most of all for the grammar part, but when it comes to speaking, listening, pronunciation, etc it's better to talk a little with a native speaker it's like going to another country and learning a language by speaking with people in some ways
  23. Welcome! Finnish sounds sooo difficult to me, but Finland seems to be a charming place even if i don't like winter so much, and i prefer summer. But if i think of it i have the idea of all those beautiful snowy landscapes....:)
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