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Posts posted by Elimination

  1. 21 hours ago, prmurphy said:

    I have been living in Mexico. They have so many slang words here it is really hard to keep up with them all. My favorite is how often they use the word "pedo" which means "fart" in English. For example "Que pedo?" means "Whats up?" but the literal translation would be like "Whats farting?" Other examples:

    "Que bien pedo!" - "How cool!"

    "Que mal pedo!" - "Not cool!"

    I was really confused when I first heard people using "pedo" like this! Of course "pedo" can also be used to mean "fart".

    To add to this, "estar pedo" or "ponerse pedo" is "being drunk" or "getting drunk." 
    Can also refer to getting in trouble or looking for trouble (as in, starting a fight): "¿Quieres pedos, cabrón?" or "Cuidado, que te vas a meter en un pedo."
    It can also be an adjective, in the higher classes or among preppy people it usually refers to something fancy like in "esta pedero tu reloj."

  2. On 2/8/2016, 8:34:35, Trellum said:

    Genial!  ¿En que parte de Alemania vivio tu hermana?    Yo estare viviendo en el Norte de Holanda (no estoy muy emocionada que digamos), creo que al principio quedarme a vivir alla sera raro, pero ya veremos ;)    Si, aprender holandes en español seria dificil, es por eso que lo estoy aprendiendo en ingles ;)    Creo que es mas facil asi, ¿no crees?   Tomas clases o eres autodidacta? 

    No recuerdo el nombre de su pueblo... creo que Obertshausen, pero no estoy seguro. Le voy a preguntar. :tongue:
    La familia de mi cuñado es de Göttingen, pero los que viven allá ahora estan en Munich. Yo solo he ido a Frankfurt, pero mi breve estadía me bastó para querer regresar y verlo todo. :D

    Y si se puede saber, por qué te vas a vivir a Holanda si no te emociona mucho?

  3. On 2/6/2016, 6:46:02, Trellum said:

    Yo soy de el norte de Mexico (Chihuahua).  A mi me pasa igual ;)  Estoy aprendiendo Holandés, pero no escribo mucho el idioma aca en el foro porque mi nivel es apenas A1 :(  Voy a irme a vivir a los Paises Bajos en unos cuantos meses, asi que he estado aprendiendo Holandes casi a fuerzas xD Pero hace poco estuve en la CD. de Mexico para hacer el examen ''inburgering'' y gracias a D-os lo pase!  ¿Por que estas aprendiendo Aleman? 

    Por que me gusta. :tongue:
    Me gusta mucha música en Alemán (Rammstein, Black Heaven, Stahlhammer, Oomph!, BlutEngel, etc...), y de alguna manera me ha rodeado un poco en la vida. Mi hermana habla alemán, vivió en Alemania unos meses, su esposo es mexicano-alemán, me gusta mucho Alemania y ya un par de mis amigos hablan Alemán. Creo que mi nivel es como A1 también, pero me gustaría aprenderlo muy bien!

    He escuchado que el Holandés es bastante similar, pero a mi parecer es un poco mas ajeno a nosotros que aprendimos Español como lengua materna y luego Inglés. :tongue:

  4. On 1/21/2014, 9:10:17, Trellum said:

    Siempre hacen eso aquí en México: ''meten mucho la pata'' con cuando traducen los títulos!

    Un compañero de mi ex en la universidad (estudiando Letras Inglesas) trabajaba para una empresa de traducciones de TV y cine. Mi ex dice que sabía inglés básico si bien le iba. :rolleyes:

    A mi me gustan las peliculas de Luis Estrada. Son sátira dura y ácida de las realidades de la política y sociedad en México. Entre ellas, "El Infierno" (que el marketing vendió en su momento como "Scarface" mexicana), "La Dictadura Perfecta" y "La Ley de Herodes."
    También recomiendo "Amores Perros," la película que lanzó a Iñarritu a la prominencia... nuestros amigos internacionales a lo mejor lo conocen por "Revenant," "Babel," "Birdman" o "21 Grams."

  5. On 12/15/2015, 8:36:34, aliangel3499 said:

    I noticed that the phrase still used the word "les", does it have a different meaning in this context? 

    Because it happened to "them."

    Maybe another example for "se" could be: "Se está enfriando la comida" or "Tu hermano se pasó de flojo."

  6. On 12/16/2015, 9:25:50, Trellum said:

     Hace poco estuve en la ciudad de Mexico, en que delegacion estás?   Yo tambien soy de Mexico :)  Es muy interesante ver gente por aca que tambien sea de Mexico.  Espero que estes disfrutanto tu estadia en este forum, si tienes algun problema con el idioma aleman ten toda la confianza de preguntar.  De hecho el administrador de este foro habla Aleman :) 

    Yo soy de Tlalpan, pero me muevo por toda la cuidad por mi trabajo. :D
    Es padre ver mas mexicanos por aquí!
    No me meto mucho, pero estoy disfrutando mucho mi estadía, gracias! Ya estaré escribiendo algo en alemán, pero primero tengo que estudiar mas! :P
    De qué parte de México eres tu?


    On 1/11/2016, 1:55:36, fuumarumota_espanol said:

    Hola a todos,

    Yo tambien soy Mexicano y capitalino, pero vivo en Aguascalientes, Ags.

    ¡Qué agradable es saber que hay mucha gente interesada en aprender Español!

    Yo apenas comencé a aprender Japonés, pero bueno, voy poco a poco. Si alguien tiene algun consejo sobre como avanzar con éste idioma, se les agradecería mucho.


    Si lo que deseas es una conversación mas relajada y menos formal, el título de este tema podria quedar así: "Háblame de ti". "Hábleme de usted" es un poco mas formal y generalmente es usada para dirigirse a personas mayores o en un ambiente menos relajado (por ejemplo, negocios o para dirigirse a desconocidos en la calle).



    Es bonito Aguascalientes, hace un par de años estuve por allá. Que te llevó a mudarte? :smile:

  7. Que hay de toda la música que nos pop/rock en Español o géneros latinos?
    Si les interesa, tengo mucho mas para compartir!


    Mägo de Oz - La Cruz de Santiago (Folk metal)

    Brujeria - Revolución (Death metal)

    WarCry - Luz del Norte (Power metal)

    Punk, Hardcore & Ska:

    Soziedad Alkoholika - Nos Vimos En Berlín

    Ska-P - El Niño Soldado

    Boikot - Hasta Siempre


    Ari - Arriba Los Buscavidas

    Cartel de Santa - La Pelotona

    Hadrian - Suicidio Colectivo


    Hamlet - Dónde Duermo Hoy

    Skunk DF - Alicia

    Resorte - Alcohol

  8. ¡Hola a todos!
    Yo soy de México (la Ciudad de México, que es la capital), tengo 26 años y una hermosa familia. Trabajo como asesor de seguros de vida y gastos médicos. Estudié teoría musical pero finalmente no me dediqué a eso.
    Mis pasatiempos incluyen componer música (escucharla también), jugar videojuegos, reunirme con amigos, pasear con mi familia, leer, y también me gusta estudiar lenguajes. :smile:
    Cualquier otra cosa que les interese saber, pregúntenme con confianza. :D

  9. Thank you for chiming in on this.  I knew the second one wasn't correct.  I was shaky on the first one, so thank you very much for letting me know it was wrong.  I have a question, though.  Is the first one just wrong in Mexico but some other countries may use it or is it wrong in any region that speaks Spanish? 

    You're welcome. :smile:
    That one is wrong in any region. It's just grammatically off, it sounds incomplete, like a mistake. Indeed, the way to go is that third option!
    Another way to say it, but excluding "ni" (which I suppose beats the purpose of the thread, but oh well) is "Olivier y Antonio no son latinos."

  10. Well, if you like Rammstein then you can try Oomph!, Stahlhammer, Eisbrecher, Unheilig, Megaherz, Silber.

    There's a huge scene for alternative electronica in German-speaking countries, especially industrial, darkwave, synthpop, etc...
    For those, try bands like Lacrimosa, L'Âmme Immortelle, BlutEngel, Black Heaven, Mantus, Das Ich, Miss Construction, Gothminister, Diary of Dreams, Stillste Stund, Sepia, KMFDM, etc...
    Also, if you like metal, you can try many sub-genres with bands like In Extremo, Adorned Brood, Empyrium, Subway To Sally, Eluveitie, etc... many metal bands opt to write in English instead.

  11. To the Spanish native speakers, does it really bother you if someone will use these pronounce incorrectly? Is it a big deal in your culture especially if the speaker who made the mistake is non native? Would you be more forgiving or that is just the way it should be and should be followed by all means?

    Speaking for myself and my cultural environment, it's not very important in Mexico City and almost every person would be understanding if a foreigner didn't use these words properly.
    I like one of the posts in this thread that specifically mentions "usted" for those you're not "in a first name basis with." That's much more accurate than just formal/informal.

    For example... I'm 26, I work in sales, so I deal with many people. The only people I address as "usted" are strangers noticeably older than me (older than 35 maybe?), and people I know but I'm not very familiar with and just if they're older than me. Calling someone around my age "usted" even if they're unknown to me just sounds ridiculous and would likely get me weird looks, or at least make them think "he's such a square."
    In-laws for example, I initially called "usted," but people break that barrier with time. Within a week they asked me to address them as "tu."
    Even for people you think you can be friendly to referring to them informally, the polite thing is to ask "le puedo hablar de tu?" ("may I address you as 'tu'?").

    Here in Mexico only people from rural backgrounds, from very old generations (think currently above the age of 65) or very fancy, snobby "old money" types you can expect to be offended by improper usage. The guidelines I described above are pretty safe.
    That said, this doesn't necessarily apply to other countries. I've had many confusions of the kind talking to people from Costa Rica, Argentina, Spain... If you err, do so on the side of caution and go for "usted." Especially if your Spanish isn't flawless and people realize you're a foreigner. At worst we'll think you're too proper and find it amusing.

    EDIT: Another type of person who could be offended here is someone in a professional setting in a higher hierarchical position than you, if the work environment is such. In my job, my boss' boss calls me the equivalent of "dude" or "bro."

  12. Unfortunately this is very common. I briefly worked online with a transcription service and by default (that is, unless the client ordered otherwise) they would do a "clean read transcription," which, as opposed to a true verbatim transcription, often omits certain words, like false starts, stutters, filler words, redundancy, etc...
    I suppose subtitle companies do the same. I'm a native Spanish speaker but I always prefer the original language and if it's not Spanish, I'll pick English subtitles. So it's clear to me then that what I'm reading and hearing doesn't match perfectly in almost all cases.

    I would suggest, if you already feel somewhat comfortable with the language, to continue doing as you were and notice the different expressions of the same sentence, or to learn synonyms, it could be useful. But if you're still somewhat new, it might be more confusing than beneficial. I still think being around a language through entertainment is a good idea!

  13. Really this is one of the earlier things you should learn in spanish, the difference between Ser and Estar


    Ser is used for anything permanent.  The only real exception is that it is also used for professions and jobs ( which may not be exactly permanent when you think about it).


    Estar is for temporary things.


    It is funny, because even if you use the same noun and adjective, using the wrong verb can get you in trouble because it can mean something completely different. If you use Ser, you are saying they are ALWAYS that type of person, which can be a huge insult.

    Hehe, I've never taken it as an insult from someone I know whose native language is not Spanish, but you do have a point. :smile:

    While everyone is correct in Ser = permanent and Estar = temporary, you mustn't forget these type of rules are not always applicable! For example "Estas siendo muy flojo últimamente." ("You are being very lazy lately")
    My example combines both and refers to a temporary state, so remember to consider context and as my English teacher in primary school used to say: "If it feels weird to say it probably is weird!"

  14. My name's Daniel, I'm 26 and I'm from Mexico City, born and raised. As such, I speak native Spanish, but I learned English by myself as a kid and now I'm trying to learn German!
    Hope to be helpful and gain much from these forums!
    Thanks, and see you people around. ;)

  15. I tried using lo siento before. I know that is one of the phrases I can use to say sorry but the person I was talking to never said anything back. I thought I said something wrong or what not. It felt like I just made another blunder. I was relieved to know here though that I was using the right one and learned some more thanks

    It's possibly a long shot, but it might be because "lo siento," while correct and understood, is not used in every Spanish-speaking region. At least in Mexico City it feels like what we call colloquially "dub language;" which is to say it sounds a bit artificial compared to other words we'd use in those circumstances, like "perdón/disculpa."
    That probably sounds weird, and I believe it's a cultural thing, but there are words and phrases we'd use over others compared to other cities or regions in this country, not to mention other countries.

  16. Hey everyone!
    Native speaker from Mexico here. The third is about right, the only correction would be to use plural: "Ni Olivier ni Antonio son latinos."; unless you're very specifically talking about the names and their origins, rather than actual people.
    The first one sounds off and the second is negating the statement, as in "Olivier nor Antonio are not Latino."
    Hope that helps! :smile:

  17. Native Spanish speaker from Mexico here. I've heard similar phrases, but not this one in particular. In any case, "abrirse paso a golpes (de)..." is pretty straightforward. It's almost literal in that it implies advancing or making way in some way where passage is difficult or otherwise with obstacles, so there is no phrase to translate it to (that I know of, anyway).
    What I'd do, personally, is actually translate the expression... but then again, I like translating as literal as possible to get a sense of how the source language sounds, what the speaker wanted to transmit with their original words.
    I know I'm probably not much help, but that's what my knowledge can offer. Sorry!

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