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Posts posted by waynelam8

  1. On 12/4/2015, 1:24:11, Pinutile said:


    作为二外学了一年 时间比较少 学完了新编日语两册 准备考N2才发现还差很远 还有就是日语相比英语好的学习资源、工具书都太少了 有时候遇到疑难很吃力

    现在感觉还是英语是重心 感觉日语只能先放放了。。

    不要緊, 慢慢學, 每天學一點點, 時間久了就很大進步

  2. On 12/9/2015, 5:08:26, AExAVF said:

    I'm looking forward to the iOS version, as listening is one of my main drawbacks in learning Nihongo.  I may have high marks in grammar and reading, while writing is okay..  It's the listening portion which pulled my marks down.

    Same here. Listening is always my worst part in JLPT.

    If I like watching anime more, maybe my Japanese listening skill would improve much faster.....

  3. I think its better to start speaking as soon as possible when you learn a language

    I come from Hong Kong where everyone starts learning English at a very young age. But we had very few speaking opportunity.

    So everyone just focuses on reading and writing and at the end, many people cant communicate with foreigners verbally even they have been learning English for many years.

    I was a victim of that too. So now when I start learning another new language, Japanese, I will grab every chance to speak.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Miya said:

    Hi Wayne, I'm from Hong Kong too! I was born there and will be going to Hong Kong this year for Christmas and New Year's.

    And I'm studying Japanese! I live in Japan! :D

    Your Japanese must be very good~~ So you study or work in Japan?


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