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Posts posted by Northea

  1. I think (based on stuff I've read and heard) that intelligence and languages go hand in hand: higher intelligence will help with learning new languages and mastering old ones, but learning languages in itself can (will?) raise your intelligence. You don’t have to be intelligent to learn a language, but the process can expand your brain and make you more intelligent.

  2. There's this Finnish term for a part of nuclear reactor: atomiydinenergiareaktorigeneraattorilauhduttajaturbiiniratasvaihde (67 letters). There are many longer ones, but they're usually very synthetic (like  "kumarreksituteskenteleentuvaisehkollaismaisekkuudellisenneskenteluttelemattomammuuksissansakaankopahan" which is such a monster that even as a native speaker I'm not gonna try and make sense of it, it was clearly thought up just to make the longest word possible). The Guinness Book of Records used to have (or still has, I don't know) lentokonesuihkuturbiinimoottoriapumekaanikkoaliupseerioppilas (61 characters) as the longest Finnish word that was actually in use (it means a student mechanic of jet engines, to put it very shortly).


    We also have fun words like sahatavarasatama (lumber harbor) and the famous dialogue:

    "Kokko, kokoo kokko." (slightly ungrammatical, because it should be kokoa, not kokoo, as that is spoken language and not written)

    "Koko kokkoko?"

    "Koko kokko."

    ("Kokko (name), put together the bonfire."

    "(You mean) the whole bonfire?"

    "The whole bonfire."




    Germans just love to combine words together into forming one long snake of a word.

    Yeah, we love to do that too here in Finland, as is evident above :lol:

  3. On 9/11/2016 at 7:23 PM, KimmyMarkks said:

    Since Latin is not spoken anymore what do you think are the benefits of learning the language?  I've heard that a foundation in Latin helps to learn other Romance Languages?  What do you think?

    It absolutely does. I haven't been actively trying to learn languages that derive straight from Latin (Spanish, Italian, French at least), but I understand a lot of words just because I have some vocabulary in Latin. I've been interested in learning Latin since I was like 13, but it wasn't taught at my school (when we really got to choose languages at upper secondary school), so I've tried a bit on my own, but I don't have much of a grasp on the grammar. Maybe I should start again with this forum helping me :lol:

  4. On 2/3/2014 at 7:49 PM, linguaholic said:













    I'm gonna have to correct you a little bit here. Botanist is botanisti and linguist is lingvisti


    Let me try and think of some basic ones to add...

    Police   -  poliisi

    Doctor (MD) - lääkäri

    Nurse   -  sairaanhoitaja

    Firefighter  -  palomies*

    Scientist   -   tiedemies*

    Plumber  -  putkimies*


    * These all end in -mies, which means man, so we haven't quite achieved equality there yet :lol:


  5. Thanks for the tip, I installed it on my phone just now.


    Okay, it's a bit confusing because it's only in German. It's also only quizzes with no explanations of anything, so if you don't know already about the category of the questions, just guess your way through them and in the end you'll see the right answers. 

    I think it might make a decent app if it was translated and some lessons were added here and there. Now it's just guessing.

  6. Hey, just bumping this thread to see if there's anyone here currently that's interested in learning Finnish. I just joined the forums, I'm a native Finn and I'd love to help out anyone who has any questions on the language or the culture or anything about Finland really :lol:


  7. 1st ensimmäinen

    2nd toinen

    3rd kolmas

    4th neljäs

    5th viides

    6th kuudes

    7th seitsemäs

    8th kahdeksas

    9th yhdeksäs

    10th kymmenes

    11th yhdestoista

    12th kahdestoista

    13th kolmastoista

    14th neljästoista

    15th viidestoista

    16th kuudestoista

    17th seitsemästoista

    18th kahdeksastoista

    19th yhdeksästoista

    20th kahdeskymmenes

    21st kahdeskymmenesensimmäinen

    22nd kahdeskymmenestoinen

    23rd kahdeskymmeneskolmas

    and so forth to

    99th yhdeksäskymmenesyhdeksäs

    100th sadas

    1000th tuhannes


  8. Hi all linguaholics B)

    I'm a native Finn with fluent English, and currently I'm trying to improve my Swedish (with the help of my spouse and what I learned in school, meaning I'm not actively studying it, but I try to slip some into everyday conversations just to see if I can say something correctly :lol:). I'm also fascinated by the German language and mean to start self-studying it (I know a bit of German already because I'm a big Rammstein fan :D). I'll also be more than happy to help anyone interested in the Finnish language, which is a pretty crazy one.

    Byt yeah, just wanted to say hello and I will see you around the forums :)


    (Too many smileys? <_<)

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