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How Long Have You Studied Chinese?

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To those of you who have being studying Chinese, how long have you been studying?How would you rate your fluency when it comes to speaking the language and how comfortable are you speaking the language?

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I've been trying to learn Chinese in my spare time for a year now but I've not really put a lot of effort in it mostly because I suddenly got a lot more work.

I understand some words but I don't even think I could pick them up in a conversation.

I would love to start learning again so as soon as I get some more time, I'll begin again.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I studied for about a year and a half with a teacher, but I never had the opportunity to hear it and practice speaking it back. The words I have learned I will not really forget because I go over them regularly, but as far as becoming conversational, I need to be around people speaking it in order to get any good at it!

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The hard part about learning chinese is that there's thousands of characters that can be used in a lot of different ways. A beginner might be turned off by having to memorize so many different words/ characters which is actually very understandable. Here's hoping the passion for learning got everyone through the hard stages!

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I studied Chinese for over ten years as a kid, and I got pretty good at it, although unfortunately, I've forgotten a lot of it at this point. I can probably communicate relatively well with any local now, still, but I'd have to get a serious refresher course to be able to speak it again straight without needing to stop so much to think.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've studied Chinese for about 15 years (forced on us in school) and have maintained fluency because of work and conversation that I have to do. Sometimes if people have really heavy accents I have to process a bit before working out which words are supposed to be which ones, but written wise it's pretty easy to understand. I won't say I'm the best, in fact I was one of the bottom in my class, but I'm definitely at a pretty decent standard.

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