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The list of kanji (JLPT level 2) (part 2)


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Hi everyone. Today I`ll continue sharing kanji of JLPT level 2 (Japanese Language Proficiency Test):

Note: katakana means Chinese reading of a kanji, hiragana - Japanese reading

1. 頼 [ライ, タヨ. , たの.む たの.もしい] - trust/request

2. 覚 [カク , おぼ.える, さ.ます, さ.める, さと.る] - memorize/learn/remember/awake/sober up

3. 船 [セン , ふね, ふな] - ship/boat

4. 倍 [バイ] - double/twice/times/fold

5. 均 [キン, なら.す, なら.し, ひと.しい] - level/average

6. 億 [おく] - hundred million/10**8

7. 途 [ト, みち] - route/way/road

8. 圧 [アツ, エン, オウ , お.す, へ.す, おさ.える, お.さえる] - pressure/push/overwhelm/oppress/dominate

9. 芸 [ゲイ] - technique/art/craft/performance/acting/trick/stunt

10. 許 [キョ , ゆる.す, もと] - permit/approve

11. 署 [ショ] - signature/govt office/police station

12. 抜 [バツ, ハツ, ハイ, ヌ.カ , ぬ.く, -ぬ.く, ぬ.き, ぬ.ける, ぬ.かす] - slip out/extract/pull out/pilfer/quote/remove/omit

13. 便 [ベン, ビン , たよ.り] - convenience

14. 伸 [シン, ノ. , の.びる, の.ばす, の.べる] - expand/stretch/extend/lengthen/increase

15. 留 [リュウ, ル, ルウブ , と.める, と.まる, とど.める, とど.まる] - detain/fasten/halt/stop

16. 罪 [ザイ, つ.み, つみ.する] - guilt/sin/crime/fault/blame/offense

17. 停 [テイ , と.める, と.まる] - halt/stopping

18. 爆 [バク , は.ぜる] - bomb/burst open/pop/split

19. 陸 [リク, ロク, オ] - land/six

20. 玉 [ギョク, たま] - jewel/ball

21. 波 [ハ, なみ] - waves/billows/Poland

22. 帯 [タイ, お.びる, たい.する] - sash/belt/obi/zone/region

23. 延 [エン, の.びる, の.ばす, の.べる, の.べ, の.び] - prolong/stretching

24. 努 [ド, つと.める, つと.めて] - toil/diligent/as much as possible

25. 固 [コ, かた.い, かた.める, かた.まる, かた.まり] - harden/set/clot/curdle

26. 精 [セイ, しら.げる, くわ.しい] - refined/ghost/fairy/energy/vitality/semen/excellence/purity/skill

27. 則 [ソク, のり, のっと.る, すなわ.ち] - rule/follow/based on/model after

28. 乱 [ラン, みだ.れる, みだ.す] - riot/war/disorder/disturb

29. 普 [フ, あまね.く] - universal/wide(ly)/generally/Prussia

30. 散 [サン, バ , ち.る, ち.らす, ち.らかす, ち.らかる] - scatter/disperse/spend/squander

That`s it for today. Have a nice weekend and good luck with kanji!

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