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Everything posted by language_enthusiast

  1. Hey guys. I have spent a year developing a language website and now it is online. here is the link: http://motherlang-bananalang.com This is a future resource of amatour video lessons by native speakers - language enthusiasts as you guys! You choose a level from A1 to C2 and any language and upload your lessons there - teaching learners your native language. Here is an example of a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fivibJ7IaMA This kind of videos really help me in learning my german and I think that spreading such an idea with amatour video lessons by native speakers would be nice. Cheers guys! Love, Peace, Care, from Vika - 19 y.o. ukrainian girl.
  2. hI!. send me the documentation at: [email protected] ! also I am developing ,y language learning website where any enthusiast can uploadlanguage video lessons to. If anyoe is interested- I would share a link with you guys. Peace, love, care, from Vika
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