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Posts posted by Pomme_de_Gavin

  1. Salut! I'm probably more lazy than most, but I've always struggled with remembering vocabulary. I took French in high school and college, and have had an "on and off again" relationship with practicing ever since. There's always so many things I want to do, and French ends up taking a backseat.

    I'm a developer, so me and a few friends made a free chrome extension to fix this. It immerses you in French or Spanish vocabulary on any website you visit. It's a pretty cool way to pick up new words, and it's really subtle, so you can keep it on for months at a time - and stay up to date with your vocab forever! We'd love it if you gave it a shot and let us know how we could make it even better for language learners :)

    Check it out here! www.usefluent.co

    200917_chrome store-tiny.png

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