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Posts posted by Evelyne

  1. 'Upon' is a more formal version of the preposition 'on', though they are mostly interchangeable. The only time I can think of that upon would sound particularly better than on is in "She came upon a fox den while walking in the woods." instead of "She came on a fox den while walking in the woods." though both sentences are grammatically correct.

  2. Capitalization is also important for proper nouns. It signals that you are talking about a specific thing or person instead of a general one. For instance, if you are talking about a place called The Bar (that being the name of the establishment), capitalizing the name indicates that you are talking about a specific bar with that name instead of just some bar. It gives a bit of a point of reference.

  3. There are quite a few words that I know and don't get to use terribly often, mostly because they are words that are somewhat obscure or archaic. Here is a list.

    Hie (verb): To go quickly. Example: I will hie to bed.

    Avaunt (exclamation): Go away. Example: Avaunt, you fool!

    Whither (adverb): To which/what place. Example: Whither go we?

    Penultimate (adjective): Second to last. Example: I am the penultimate winner and I have the second place medal to show for it.

  4. Hello!

    Nice to meet you all! I can't say I'm particularly skilled in many languages yet, but I have great ambitions. My goal is to become fluent in Japanese, French, German, and at least one iteration of Gaelic. It takes me a while to learn a new language and I'm working on Japanese and French at the moment, but I am trying! Thank you for reading my introduction and I hope you all are well!

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