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Posts posted by sophiaseo

  1. I think French seems like the most romantic language because just like the city of love, it sounds so airy and delicate. I think that when someone speaks French, he or she seems instantly elegant. I would like to learn French and visit Paris one day. That is something that I am looking forward to.

  2. I do not get annoyed or irritated when someone uses abbreviations in text message or chat because I am a victim of it, too! I know that the phone keyboard and typing out full words get annoying, and sometimes , abbreviations are just needed to simplify a long rant. But, when someone uses so many shortcuts that I cannot understand what they are trying to say, it gets annoying. Also, I dislike when a company has a live-chat system and they do not use capital letters or correct punctuation. It makes them look very unprofessional.

  3. Grammar is important to an extent. It kind of irritates me when someone says something and I do not understand what it means. I do not think that grammar is so important to the point that every mistake should be pointed out; unless I know what the person is saying, I am good. I also have problems with grammar, so we should ignore small mistakes and just endeavor to improve.

  4. I started to learn a second language when I came to America. I was born in Seoul, South Korea, and I came to the United States when I was one. Although I do not clearly remember what happened when I first came to the States, my parents tell me that I had difficulty learning the alphabet and counting numbers. But that changed in the middle of first grade, when I began doing very well in classes. Learning a second language is very cool and I think many people should buy time to learn one, even if it is just for ten minutes a day.

  5. If I were trying to learn a new language, I would try to learn Chinese. Not only does Chinese sound very cool, the Chinese characters also look very awesome and ancient. Also, since China has such a large population, learning Chinese would be beneficial in business and everyday life. I would be able to constantly speak and listen to Chinese people. Learning Chinese has always been a vision that I wished to endeavor, and I wish to learn it very soon.

  6. If a person watches a lot of movies in a certain language, I think it is possible to learn a language. Maybe not fluently, but enough to start or continue a conversation. I have never studied Japanese in a classroom/class, but I have watched anime with English subtitles. I watched the Naruto episodes from the beginning all the way to Shippuden, and I learned a lot of everyday Japanese words because many words were recurring and it would sound more and more familiar to me every time I heard it. Some people believe that you can learn a language just by hearing an audio, so I do believe that a person could learn the basics of a language by listening to a lot of dialogues.

  7. Both have beneficial qualities, but I think actually living and experiencing the life in another foreign country would help a person learn a language better. Language classes are very helpful, but the environment is not the same as the foreign country. Visiting a foreign country is traveling, and people who are interested in exploring new surroundings and environments would pay more attention and want to learn the new language. People who are "hands-on" and enjoy experimenting rather than reading and writing all day would enjoy exploring the new life in the foreign country. Also, when visiting a foreign country, you learn more about the country's culture, and are exposed to native speakers who might help enhance the learner's pronunciation.

  8. Although it might like women would learn a language faster than men do, I do not believe that gender is a factor in determining our ability to learn a language. Women do have an advantage because they usually talk more than men do, but since most men are silent, they probably analyze and study a subject more than usual. So, I guess men and women learn languages at the same pace, but in different ways.

  9. Learning a new language comes with many benefits in the future. Learning a new language helps the learner become more aware and learn more about the country's culture and surroundings. Learning a new language might even make the learner wish to visit the country one day. Also, learning a new language is terrific in business because if the learner knows more languages, he or she will be able to communicate with more people. More people comes with more business opportunities, and more opportunities comes more money. For me, I learned Korean because I wanted to become fluent, become a freelance translator, and communicate with my relatives. I wanted to learn Chinese because it might become an international language, and it just sounds cool. Also, since China is such a large country and has such a large population, learning Chinese will be a great opportunity for future business.

  10. I think that Google Translate is not helpful in learning a new language. Many times, the translations are too formal and do not make sense in everyday conversation. When I did not really know how to speak or write Korean, I used to use Google Translate to aid me, but when my mom checked my work, she did not know what I was talking about. So, I checked and put the Korean translated to English, and it did not make sense at all. That is why I do not use Google Translate to make sentences anymore.

  11. No, I do not use "lol" when texting or instant messaging. I feel like "lol" is overused and lost all meaning. Many of my friends use "lol," even when they do not actually find something funny. They sometimes use it as a way to show annoyance, or they use it as a way to break awkward silences in conversations. Unless they use "LOLOLOL" do they actually find something at least a little bit funny, but usually, "lol" is just used as an extra thing to put after a comment.

  12. I think writing, reading, and speaking are equal in difficulty, but if I were forced to choose which is the most difficult, I would say writing is the most difficult. Speaking and reading are not as difficult as writing because you have to think of your own words and sentences in writing, whereas, in speaking, no writing is needed, and in reading, the words are already there for you. Writing is also the most difficult because Chinese characters, Korean alphabet letters, and any other kind of language have different sounds. Just like English homophones and homonyms, other language sounds may be very confusing and difficult to write.

  13. No, I do not believe that a person can "pass" in a culture just by learning a new language. Language is a verbal thing and cannot change physical appearances. A Japanese person fluent in English would not look like an American/Caucasian person, and a Korean person fluent in Japanese would not look like a Japanese person. Unless a person's physical appearance looks extremely close to the usual being in the other culture, then the person will "pass."

  14. Learning a new language is very difficult, but I think the best way to learn a language is by hearing the language. I was really interested in studying Chinese awhile back, and I would learn by watching videos on YouTube or, a more entertaining way, by watching Chinese drama with English subtitles. As you may tell, I was not extremely serious about learning Chinese, I was just aiming to speak basic Chinese - a language that I could speak in everyday conversation. But watching drama did help me to pronounce words somewhat correctly, and it was very fun learning that way. Also, my Chinese and Vietnamese friends would learn Korean by watching Korean drama. They are actually pretty good at speaking it, too!

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