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Posts posted by borg48

  1. I am in the same boat as your ex I think, but I don't think I have it quite as bad as he did. When it comes to Biology I can absorb those facts so quickly that the subject is so easy for me to pass it is laughable. When my sister and I were studying German together I would have to read a paragraph about fifty times before I could commit it to memory let alone being able to memorize the grammar. I needed so much help in that class, and my sister had to help me study for it so much she got sick of tutoring me, and I think I passed it with a C which is not that great for me. I managed to pull a B out in French which wasn't to bad.

    If he was motivated enough to take the class twice and still not pass I would say he is also not a natural language learner, and the way language classes are taught is not the way he specifically needs to learn. I have had better luck learning languages through software, and directly from people who speak other languages than I ever did through a high school or college class. There is some new research suggesting that a pill used to treat epilepsy that contains valproic acid might help adults learn languages faster. To early to tell right now, but I will be keeping up with any research I can find on the subject.

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