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Posts posted by doodoofan

  1. From my personal experience, I think Rosetta Stone is the best software to learn a new language, especially when you're still a newbie. If you already have a good grasp of the language and want to go to the next level, Rosetta Stone might not be the app for you. For example, if you finish all 3 levels of Rosetta Stone Japanese, you'll be at around level N4 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, which is still the beginner level.  :sad:

  2. I have different motivators for different languages. For example, I studied English because I wanted to watch US movies and TV series without subtitles. I learned Japanese so that I could read manga (Japanese comic books) in its original language. I learned Chinese because I love Chinese dramas. Just find a simple motivation, not a huge one like I need to get a good job, and you'll learn a language much more effective.

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