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Posts posted by berfraper

  1. As RealSugar says, Catalans refer to Spanish as Castellano. That's because at the Middle Age in Spain were two big kingdoms: The Kingdom of Castilla and The Crown of Aragón (not Aragorn). Catalan is spoken at the northern part of the old Crown of Aragón but the southern part (Valencia) and the Balearic Islands have different languages like Valenciano and Balear (obvious). There are people who consider them dialects from Catalan and other ones think they aren't. The thing is that they are different languages.

  2. Hi, I'm berfraper and I'm from Spain. I'm 21 and I speak Spanish (obviously) and English. I've been studying English since I was 3 at the school so I speak it fluently but with some mistakes I want to correct, some of them due to a bad translation from Spanish. Hope i can correct them and speak as near as possible as a native English with your help.

    I started the adventure to the Japanese and the asian languages 6-7 month ago but I'm taking it easy, by now I'm with the vocabulary, grammar and the pronunciation (quite easy and similar to Spanish). I've also taken a look to hiragana and by now i can identify (still can't read fluently) vowels, K and S thanks to the Tengugo Kana App (free at Play Store) and some Kanji (fire, dog and those basic ones) also thanks to the Kanji App from the same company (this one costs about 0'75€ at Play Store, but worth every single cent) but i'll focus on Kanji later, it's not as important as Hiragana and Katakana to begin.

    And that's all, there may be some mistakes and that stuff but they make me know I still have to improve and without them i wouldn't be here.

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