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Posts posted by laniñabonita

  1. I have always heard that the hardest language to learn is English. I especially hear this from my high school Spanish teacher, and he is fluent in many languages including French, Hebrew, and a few others. I did not believe him when he said that English was the hardest language until he actually explained it to us. There are so many different rules that must be learned in the English language that can get sometimes difficult and confusing. There are so many different sounds that letters can make and one word can mean so many different things(not that this does not occur in other languages).

    Even though I have not personally tried to learn many other languages, I am starting to believe that if English was not my native language it would be very hard. There are people who have trouble with even when it is their native language. Mostly because they are used to a lot of the slang words that have been created in the English language. I'd like to know if there is anyone out there who agrees with me. :smile:

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