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Posts posted by kevinvdsande

  1. Personally I don't have any great experiences with Rosetta Stone. The set-up is great, since it doesn't aim to translate anything and opts for complete immersion in the language but I think that this is simultaneously its biggest mistake as well...Since it doesn't explain grammar concepts and the likes. I used the one for Korean and got to about lesson 15 but I found that it didn't really help me that much. I think it's perfect for learning new alphabets or writing systems though (I can't really say anything about this because I didn't learn Hangul this way).

    If you're more of a visual/auditory learner as opposed to learning grammar from a book/website it might be just what you are looking for! If it's not entirely what you want, maybe you can try DuoLingo. It's somewhat similar but in my opinion it does a better job at explaining grammar points. If you find that that isn't your thing either maybe you should think about investing in a grammar book.

    I wouldn't necessarily say that learning languages is something you have to do in a class (and for me that just takes away the fun) so I always advice against that especially when people just start out. Hope this helped!

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