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Posts posted by GuenevereShrom

  1. I like the Japanese language the most.  Aside from being an anime fan, I really love their vocabulary.  They have words which are addressed to teachers and professionals in the form of honorifics.  At the same time, they also have words which are addressed in a somewhat negative or unfavorable way, such as "kisama", or the person talking to the addressee in a hostile manner. 

    As for the language I like the least, it's Arabic.  Maybe it's just me, but I just don't appreciate learning the language at all.  Besides, we have been using English more frequently in Saudi Arabia, where I stayed for 8 years more or less.

    I love Japanese language! Like you I am an anime fan too and watching anime without subtitle yet getting the gist of what they're talking is so refreshing. It felt like I have achieved a great deal!

    Arabic is also my least favourite, and I am in an Arabic country! So I find myself always lost everyday being surrounded by Arabic speakers. Not that I didn't try to learn it since I did, still do, but it just really won't stick in my head and they say I speak in funny accent when I do.  :sad:

  2. I'd say start them young! I am teaching my two and four year old cousins, just basic words. Surprisingly, they easily remember them. Though they tended to mix the languages before when I tried to teach them two in addition to our native language. So, basics I guess at that age should do. Then proceed further once they're old enough, say when they start in grade school?

  3. First, because it was required of us. Part of the curriculum, you see. Then, I got hooked up with Nihongo due to Anime but got no one to talk to so it was a bit unproductive (talked to myself most of the time that everyone who heard me thought I've gone barmy). Few years after, I relocated to an Arabic country and basically it's a must that I speak Arabic yet, I'm still hopeless at it. It's not that hard but I found that there are languages close to your heart that wanting to learn them come easy unlike others that even if you gave your hardest you'd still find yourself back to square one.

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