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Posts posted by dr_irrational

  1. I love Duolingo for reading/writing. It's a kind of coffee-break thing I can sit down and do whenever I have a couple minutes. I'm not sure that it really helps in the speaking/listening aspect though, because it can't tell if your accent is any good and the voice you hear is a synthesizer that's kind of strange (except in, I believe, the case of Irish where there's an actual recording). I treat it more as a sort of interactive flash-card service than a full language learning suite.

  2. Hello, I'm Tim from America. I've been getting increasingly embarrassed about my linguistic capabilities (or lack thereof), so I've started using Duolingo to learn Swedish. I'm also learning a bit of Japanese (I can read hiragana and katakana, at any rate), and I learned a bit of Spanish back in middle school. I'm hoping to find a Swedish discussion group, but if that fails I'll brush up on my Spanish.

    I have a great love of literature and the intricacies of the English language, and I think that will only increase if I become fluent in another language.

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