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Posts posted by languagelover

  1. Anime subtitles can be a great help. Just be aware that occasionally the sub-titles might not be correct, especially if the anime was subbed by a non-native Japanese speaker. This shouldn't be too big of a problem and the benefits definitely outweigh the risk, but it is good to be aware and check the source of the subs if you can. Once you understand the meaning from using English subs, it may also be helpful to watch with Japanese subs also. This can help with learning Kanji.

  2. I like the Pimsleur materials because they focus on conversation. The audio materials leave time for you to repeat the phrases after listening. It's handy if you have a long commute to work. For Japanese, using Pimsleur is a good starting point because it temporarily removes the distraction of learning Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana. While these are all good to learn, most of the people I know who have become fluent in Japanese speaking, listening, reading and writing have focused on becoming conversational first.

    One drawback to Pimsleur is cost. If you are thinking you want to invest in the audio materials, check to see if your local library has Pimsleur materials you can borrow to determine whether Pimsleur works well for you before you buy.

  3. I like listening to language podcasts. They often focus on the day to day type of conversations you are likely to have when conversing in a language. Some of the podcasts are free. It's also convenient to be able to listen on a mobile device when you are out and about. It's a good wait to get some language listening accomplished during what would otherwise be downtime--such as waiting for an appointment or standing in line for lunch at a fast food place.

    Second the Anki recommendation. I wish the mobile Anki app was a bit less expensive, although I understand the developer deserves to be compensated for all the great work on the program.

  4. Do any of you study multiple languages? I am hesitant to begin studying a new language before mastering the current foreign language I am studying. I would like to become fluent in several languages and am frustrated with how long it takes. For those of you who have learned multiple languages at the same time, what did you do to become fluent? How did you allocate your study time?

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