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Posts posted by CountRockHyde

  1. I do know of one English word with which I have trouble pronouncing, but there may be more.  I have found that as I age my grammar and pronunciation has gotten noticeably worse.  The word I have trouble pronouncing is "rural".  I always have to slow down to say it and usually end up saying it more than once to make it sound right to my ears.

  2. I am a pretty shy person anyway, but it seems like my shyness quadruples when I am attempting to speak in a foreign language.  My experience has been with Spanish.  I studied Spanish for 7 years and I am pretty good at grammar and reading, but if I have to speak my brain shuts down.  I have traveled to Costa Rica and was unable to use it at all because I felt so uncomfortable.  Does anyone else have this problem?

  3. I think it depends a lot on the individual.  I have a friend who was part of the Spanish Emersion program in which half of classes were taught in Spanish starting in Kindergarten or first grade.  Starting early had no effect on her ability to be fluent in the language, but I don't believe it would be so for every individual.  I think it would depend on a number of factors like learning style and whether the language is spoken at home.

  4. I am simultaneously learning Korean and Japanese, but in a very relaxed manner.  I do hear both languages in music and dramas almost every day and can distinguish the two by sound.  Learning them together works pretty well for me, though I have more exposure to Korean than Japanese in music and dramas.  It's nice when I have a song that has a Korean and Japanese version.

  5. I am studying Korean and Japanese because I watch a lot of dramas and listen to a lot of music in those two languages. I think it will enhance my experience to at least know some Korean and Japanese since I am fairly deeply involved with those languages.  I also find them to be very musical and pleasant to the ear, unlike English for me.

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