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Posts posted by Kornelius548

  1. :laugh: :amazed:

    Question about effectiveness of Google Translate is ironical by its nature. Oh, my gosh good old days of literal translation...Well to tell the truth, google translate is a useful tool. It saved me during my 4th course of the study, when we had a teacher that gave no interest to our knowledge, she was just checking if our notebooks were full of ink and our hands trembling.

    Neither it helped me to beat that course paper, when i was searching out in the web, for a way to motivate myself at least to start writing it. I found guys, who done it instead of me, that was...God, help me to recall the name of that adress! Yes, finally it came to me : https://essaycool.com/. How could i forgot...it seems like it was yesterday. Anyway, I do denounce this kind of cheating, but at the same time, when you are at risk of being send down from university you dont have a choice.

    So, to summ it up...of course if you want to know my opinion, this cannot be taken seriously, especially in the context of profound language learning. So naah, google translate is useful only in translating big texts, so that they can be easily transformed into something more credible.Nothing more, nothing less.


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