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Posts posted by FrenchFries

  1. I never knew this! Is there any reason as to why they space their punctuation as such? I always wrote my French reports with traditional punctuation conventions, and this was never commented on. It's probably because it's an extremely miniscule thing to nitpick, but what's to gain from using these extra spaces?

  2. Cet été je suis allé au pays étranger: le Philippines. Ma famille y habite et je les vois rarement parce que j'habite aux États-Unis. Quand j'étais là, j'ai visité beaucoup de lieus célébré comme le centre commércial d'Asie. Aussi, j'ai rencontré la plupart de ma famille qui je ne connaissais pas avant. Mais maintenant, nous nous entendons bien et nous parlons souvent.

  3. A good to learn verbs and other words in general (at least for me) is to use them in writing or conversation, though I find this is especially useful for verbs. It means nothing to memorize the infinitive of a verb if you don't know how to conjugate it. Unless you want to say 'je vais ___' for the rest of your life, practice writing and speaking using a variety of the conjugations. As you start getting comfortable, experiment with the other tenses as well.

  4. In my French class, we create Quizlet cards for every set of vocabulary we are given. Everyone memorizes the vocabulary, but the vocabulary tests require that we put the words into sentences. Therefore, it's doesn't mean anything to memorize the verb 'plaire' (to please) if you don't know how it's used and how to conjugate it. I think an overdependence on rote memorization via flashcards holds a lot of my classmates back since they don't know how to use the words in conversation. Flashcards are a good way to memorize the words, but not a good way to learn them.

  5. No, don't add the 's'. French people often use 'on' instead of 'nous' to refer to 'us.' Though 'on' can be translated to mean 'one', it can refer to 'us' in an informal setting. it's kind of like 'tu' vs. 'vous' I suppose.

    With friends: On va manger là. (Note the conjugation of 'aller')

    With your boss: Nous allons manger là. 

    As for why it was corrected to 'si' I don't know. But I hope I could help.



  6. Hello! I'm one of the best students in my French class, but every time we go over 'lequel' and all of its other forms, I freeze up. I know it means which, but the rules seem so different from English! No one else in my class gets it either, and my teacher doesn't do a good job of providing examples since she doesn't have a good grasp on English. Looking up stuff online only confuses me more! Can anyone please give me a good explanation with lots of examples? 

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