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Posts posted by Shawncfer

  1. Hello everyone! First off, I'm new to the forum! In my 7 or 8 years of studying languages, I never knew there was a forum like this. But I mean, nowadays you can find a forum for anything on the internet, so I can't say I'm surprised. 

    So my question is about a particular study method. Now I know everyone has their own style, and I'm a fan of the "whatever works for you" idea. For me, I'm native in english, and I have a high C1 in Spanish. I've used a number of different methods to help get me this far, but one tool to supplement has always been learning from reading, then pulling vocabulary and doing flashcards.

    I am a big fan of Lingq. It has never been my main tool of study, but it has always helped me improved my reading comprehension.

    That said, I've run into a little issue that annoys me a little, and I wanted to see if any of you have run into this issue with other languages, and what you've done to help out....


    I am currently reading a book in Spanish called "La Sombra del Viento". It's a really popular book in quite a few languages. The truth is it's a pretty easy read for me, but there are some words I've come across so far that I didn't know. Luckily I'm reading it in iBooks, and when I run into those words, I can define them right in the app. However, while I look them up, I can never remember them. I like using flashcards for this purpose, but I can't figure out how to get these words to flash cards without doing them manually one by one.

    From this, I have two questions:
    1st, has anyone else had this issue? And if so, what have you done to go around it?
    2nd, does anyone else have any other methods for going about learning vocabulary in text?


    Thanks everyone for your help!

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