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Posts posted by michie198

  1. On 10/29/2015 at 9:10 AM, Blaveloper said:

    If there's something Duolingo lacks, it's the ability to admit the mistakes they make.
    I'm a native Dutch speaker and I did their Dutch course to report errors and help them improve the course.
    I only started and I reported loads of mistakes already, but only 1 of those were taken seriously.

    "Jullie geven hun de hoed" obviously means "you guys give their the hat", not "you guys gave them a hat".
    I know every native speaker will go like "WTF?!" when they read "jullie geven hun de hoed" because it's grammatically wrong.
    And yet they told me I was wrong and THEY are right. WTF?!

    And even some sentences I answered correctly were counted as incorrect.
    I reported them all, but none of which were ever taken seriously.

    So that's how I lost my motivation to use Duolingo forever.
    I wouldn't even recommend it even if the moderators were dictating me to do so!

    Unfortunately, I found this to be true as well. I was learning French and to practice I began saying little phrases to my Haitian Creole speaking friend. He has a solid grasp on French as well or at least enough to raise an eyebrow at some phrases I was saying. He said it was close but not quite right. Of course, I figured he just didn't know French as well as creole until the one phrase I did recognize was just inaccurate. I stopped using the app after that for fear that I would waste my time learning a lot of correct vocabulary with so-so (if not awful) grammar. 

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