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Linda Gringa

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Posts posted by Linda Gringa

  1. Hi,

    My instructor has always encouraged me to read and although reading children books is not a bad idea, there are some slightly negative issues:

    1. The vocabulary will be geared for children. It may not be very useful for an adult.

    2. As mentioned by some other people, the subject may not be interesting enough for an adult, therefore, the book will be put away rather quickly.

    3. I have noticed that many children stories use words that are impossible to find in a dictionary; authors will "invent" words to enhance the story. This could be very frustrating!

    So...  again, the fellow that is teaching me now (he's the best I know), prefers reading books that were specifically written for students and, better yet, watching movies that were,  also, produced for students (try: http://www.learner.org/series/destinos ).

    Myself, I put in a lot of hours into learning Spanish and try to practice "live" as much as I can by attending conversation clubs, restaurants and, of course, traveling.

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