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      AlexJ - Linguaholic Jump to content


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      1. Thanks for your kind words, and thanks for opening up my mind to Japanese as well as Chinese! This allows for more freedom. I was wondering what the difference is between the two sets of words you posted. Is the first one "forgiveness" in Japanese, and if so what is the second one? Thanks again. I will try and get hold of @linguaholic
      2. Hi everyone, I was wondering if any members can help me out? I'm a British guy living in London, UK. I lost my mother to cancer recently and I want to get some tatoo's on my arm in memory of her. I've always loved the Chinese language in it's appearance. I'm looking to get some words in Chinese on my arms. These will be words that mean a lot to me in relation to my mother. One of the words will be "forgiveness" and I am working on the other words. Would anyone fluent in Chinese be willing to help me ensure I get the right translations for the English words I identify. I appreciate some of the words I choose may not have a direct translation in Chinese. In this event, I will be looking for the "best fit" in Chinese. Does not need to be a perfect translation. This is a big decision for me to take as I have never had a tatoo and I want to get it right. Alex
      3. Hi everyone, I was wondering if any members can help me out? I'm a British guy living in London, UK. I lost my mother to cancer recently and I want to get some tatoo's on my arm in memory of her. I've always loved the Chinese language in it's appearance. I'm looking to get some words in Chinese on my arms. These will be words that mean a lot to me in relation to my mother. One of the words will be "forgiveness" and I am working on the other words. Would anyone fluent in Chinese be willing to help me ensure I get the right translations for the English words I identify. I appreciate some of the words I choose may not have a direct translation in Chinese. In this event, I will be looking for the "best fit" in Chinese. Does not need to be a perfect translation. This is a big decision for me to take as I have never had a tatoo and I want to get it right. EDIT: Sorry, I've just noticed there is a specific part of the forum relating to Chinese language Alex
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