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Posts posted by GurzoDelBorneoMeridionale

  1. Hi, buongiornopasta. We all know at least one language, so why shouldn't we be able to learn another? I think you might be overloading your brain with information, with all those podcasts and apps. Especially since you say you study every day. Normally that would be a good thing (a very good thing), but in your case I really think you're trying to handle too much information all at once and it's having the opposite effect. Keep studying every day but try focusing on fewer things, maybe just a book and your favourite podcast.

  2. My current bucket list includes:

    German - I love the way it sounds and I'd like to be able to read Goethe's poems in their original language. Germany actually has a lot of authors that I'd like to read in German.

    French - I hate French, hehe okay maybe hate is a strong word but I don't love it. My main reasons for learning it are 1. I keep meeting French people and most of them don't speak English 2. Balzac. 3. It's a useful language and quite similar to my native language.

    Russian - I have a bit of a crush on Putin, I'm not sure if this counts as a reason. I'm an avid reader and Russia has a rich literary tradition.

    Japanese - I know it might seem childish, but, well, I grew up with Japanese cartoons and now that I'm an adult I'd like to know more about these people.

    Norwegian - I fell in love with Knut Hamsun and I want to understand the Norwegian soul.

    Finnish - The Finnish language is extremely beautiful, both visually and the way it's spoken.

    Icelandic - I like the fact that it hasn't changed much in hundreds of years and it's the language in which ancient Norse mythology is written.

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