Learn new languages by reading anything you choose.
This was inspired by other site/projects like the opensource Lwt, the closed source lingq etc...
Here's how it works:
- You import any text you want.
- When you read, there's a built-in dictionary which allows to quickly get its translation.
- LingLibre marks in the text this word as saved with a particular color. The more you read, the more words appear as 'known'.
There are still more functions as:
importing from other software like lwt, exporting to Anki
Suggestion of similar words to the words you've already saved
integration of Google translate to translate the whole sentence
direct import of webpage, PDF, EPUB etc...
keyboard shortcuts for very fast reading
statistics etc...
This project is opensource: it's free to use and to modify: Any participants are welcomed to use and help coding this project: The main project (source code) is hosted here:
Any code suggestions, discussions, bug reports should be posted here: https://github.com/gustavklopp/LingL/issues
You can download it (Linux, Windows, Mac) here: https://github.com/gustavklopp/LingL/releases