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Come join us in the Japanese Lounge!


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Ok, I totally understand that the idea of the Japanese-only forum is pretty scary to anyone new at the language (and I'll be honest, those of us who aren't even new), but why don't you try out writing a little Japanese and reading it too?

If you want an easy way in to learning some more Japanese, come and join the "shiritori" game going on in there right now (unfortunately just between me and Miya up until now). The idea is that you take the last character of the previous person's word and use it for the first character in your word. But don't let your word end in "n" (because then no one else can make a word, because no Japanese words start with ん and you lose)!

We've been holding a little conversation in between the game, which you can feel free to ignore. Choose a word, give us its meaning in English (how else will we learn?) and add an example or join the convo to practise your Japanese.

Without further ado: link to the game thread

Come join us!

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