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Hi, my name is Dónal!

If you, like me, are a language nut and would like to befriend a fellow traveller, I would love to hear from you!

Any or all languages pique my interest: there simply isn't enough time in the multiverse!

My own language background is as a native English speaker from Ireland and therefore grew up speaking Hiberno-English but I dabble in all.  For my day job I use mainly Gaelic (Gaeilge) but have in the past used French and German.  I am currently learning Spanish with the Cervantes Institute online but have learned and enjoyed some Polish, Danish, Ancient Greek, Latin, Quenya, Sindarin and Welsh.  I would love to get into Arabic and other Semitic languages at a decent level but also Tagalog and Malaysian and be able to read some Mandarin, Japanese, Korean and Russian. 

I just love the journey but it's so much more fun with company!   

Any pointers?

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