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Russian Holidays: What to Celebrate and When


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When learning any language, people also have to learn culture of the country. International communication will be easy if to know well about customs, traditions, Holidays and main historical events. In this article I offer you to review list of main holidays in Russia. We have official and not official holidays. During national holidays people do not work.

On 31st of December we celebrate New Year. It is a national holiday and after this day people rest at home, visit friends and relatives. Actually we have a New Year week holidays. 

С Новым Годом! S Novym Godom! Happy New Year!

Дед Мороз и Снегурочка - Ded Moroz i Sneguročka (Two characters and main symbols of New Year, that are known as Snow Maiden and Father Christmas.  Snow Maiden accompanies Father Christmas during visits to children. She organizes games, competitions, and helps to give out presents.)

On 7th  of January we celebrate Orthodox Christmas

Рождество – Roždestvo – Christmas

On 14th January we celebrate Old New Year. This holiday is not national. 

Старый Новый Год - Staryj Novyj God

On 14th February as in many countries worldwide, Russian people celebrate day of love, friendship and relations.

On 23th of February  - Defender of the Fatherland Holiday. In this day all women give presents to men.

День Защитника Отечества - Den´ Zaŝitnika Otečestva

On 8th of March we have national holiday.

Восьмое Марта – праздник женщин. It is a holiday for all women.

Vos´moe Marta – prazdnik ženŝin.

Or Международный Женский День - Meždunarodnyj Ženskij Den´- International Women’s Day

This is a celebration of women of all ages. Usually, women receive gifts from men and mothers get presents and flowers from children.

1 May – is a day of workers. 

День Трудящихся - Den´ Trudâŝihsâ  - National Labor Day. All citizens have weekends. Usually we celebrate this day with barbecue and play sport games outside.

9 May  - is a Victory Day

День Победы! - Den´ Pobedy! - Victory Day!

Traditionally, large crowds of people are gathering on demonstrations on Moscow’s Red Square. We have парад – parad – march past and салют – salût - fireworks. Veterans of World War 2 get flowers. On this day TV channels broadcast films about the war.

On June 12 Russian people celebrate Russia Day.

День России  - Den´ Rossii  - Russia Day

This is a day off, so people do not go to work, schools and universities. Instead of it they demonstrate Russian national pride. 

Happy Holidays!

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